用定语从句翻译几个句子 英语高手请进(谢谢啦)

2024-07-27 17:45:29

That boy who has a hat is my brother

The book that the girl using is mine

The student who likes a monkey is friendly to others

The young man that we saw yesterday is Zhou JieLun

This is the card which I like



The boy in a hat is my little brother.
The book that girl using is mine.
The classmate looking like a monkey is friendly.
The young man we saw yesterday is Zhou Jielun.
This is the card which I like.


That boy who wears a hat is my brother

The book which the girl is using is mine

The student who looks like a monkey is friendly to others

The young man whom we saw yesterday is Zhou JieLun

This is the card which I like


The boy is my brother who he puts on the cap.
The book is mine that the girl using.
The classmate is very friendly who he looking like a monkey.
The young man was Zhou Jielun whom we saw yesterday.
This is a card which I like.


1 The boy who wear a hate is my little brother
2 The book that/which that girl using is mine
3 The classmate who/that looks like a monkey is very friendly
4 The young man who/派信that we saw is Jey Chou
5 This is the card which/仿羡乱that i like
(不用谢备档 应该的)