英语是难度较大的学科掌握英语学习的方法,使自己能独立获取知识,是取得优秀成绩的重要措施。 预习可以使我们有心理准备,可以帮助我们提高课堂效率。对于自己老师的教学进度,我们应该比较清楚,所以我们应该提前预习第二天内容,可以充分了解自己的难点在何处,听课时就能够有的放矢。在课堂上我们应该做到以下几点:1.静听。上课认真听讲,做好笔记,无论听、说、读、写都要使自己始终活跃。.2。积极参与。英语是实践性强的学科,要大胆地练习,敢说、敢读,积极回答老师提出的问题。课堂上积极发言对我们是大有裨益的,每一次的积极发言都是一次听说训练,可以使我们集中精力,对较难或者模糊不清的问题有一个明确的答案。经常举手发言也可以让老师加深对自己的印象。课堂上的听讲至关重要,老师在讲到重点时总有自己的语言或者体态特点,我们要善于观察和把握。3。勤动笔。把教师的重点及时迅速记在课堂记录本上,不过要处理好听课和记笔记的关系,不能顾此失彼。4。多开口。对于自己课堂不清楚的地方,下课后一定要及时询问老师,把问题解决在当天,不要顾及所谓的面子而不懂装懂,否则漏洞越来越多,最后造成英语成绩的不断滑坡。 很多同学反映,明明已经把单词全部背过来了,结果老师提问时又忘记了。这说明我们的复习没有计划性和周期性。我们每天回到家后要做的事情可以归结为三个方面:听、读、写。听指的是把当天学习的单词、对话或者课文听两到三遍,争取耳熟能详,还要理解所听内容。中考英语的听力分数为二十五分,可见听力的重要性。然后朗读当天学习的单词、句型、对话或者课文,必须要熟练。最后是要书写。要写的内容包括新单词,重点句子以及上课时老师举例说明单词或者词组用法的句子。下一步是完成英语家庭作业,最后是复习。复习可以战胜“遗忘”。复习计划要长短结合,粗略相宜。每周六要把本周的内容复习一遍,每个月末把当月的知识巩固一遍。同时,随着考试体制的改革,局限课本是不行了。“见多”方能“识广”,“博大”才会“精深”,我们应多收听收看简单的电视英语节目,阅读适宜的课外读物,扩大阅读量,从而使课外知识成为课内知识的有益补充。 English is a difficult subject master English learning method, make oneself can independently obtain knowledge, is the important measure has excellent grades. Preview can make us have psychological preparation, can help us improve the classroom efficiency. For his teacher's teaching progress, we should better, so we should advance preview the next content, can fully understand their own difficulties in where, when they can be targeted lecture. In class, we should do the following: 1. Listen. Listen carefully in class, take good notes, regardless of listening, speaking, reading and writing will make oneself always active. . 2. Active participation. English is a powerful practice disciplines, hardily practice, dare to speak and dare to read, positive answer the teacher's questions. Class for we are actively speak is beneficial, every positive speech all is a heard training, enables us to concentrate, more difficult or vague problem has a clear answer. Often raised his hand and also can let the teacher to deepen their impression. Class lecture crucial when it came to the key, the teacher always have their own language or posture characteristic, we must be good at observing and grasp. 3. Frequently writing. The teacher's key promptly in written in class descriptions, but to deal with the relationship between classes hutchison notes, could not attend. 4. Many openings. For his class not clear place, after class must promptly asked the teacher, problem solving, don't attend to on the day of so-called face and ignorant, otherwise loophole more and more English scores, finally caused landslides ceaselessly. Many schoolmates reflected, clearly has put the word all back come over, the result teacher asks a question and forgotten. This shows that our review no planning and cyclical. Every day we came home to do things can be summed up in three aspects: listening, reading and writing. Listen to refers to the study of the words, or dialog text listen to two to three times, and familiar, but to understand to listen carefully. English tests listening scores for twenty-five points, visible the importance of hearing. Then read the words, sentences, study the text, or dialog must be skilled. Finally is to write. To write content including new words, key sentences and the class, the teacher illustrate words or phrases usage sentences. The next step is to finish the English homework, the last review. Review can overcome "forgotten". Review plan to combine, roughly the length to buy. Every Saturday to go over this week, the content of each month of the month again. Knowledge confirmation At the same time, along with the exam system reform, confined textbook is not. "See much" can "know broadly," "great" will "intensive", we should be listening to watch simple TV English program, reading the suitable outside readings, expand the reading quantity, thus make extracurricular knowledge become a beneficial supplement of knowledge in class.