
2025-03-02 00:19:01

Resident Evil: Degeneration, the first fully CGI animated feature in the dystopian horror series, presents fans of the game and its subsequent movies with all the things they crave the most: loads of gunplay orchestrated by an attractive heroine, a labyrinthine plot honeycombed with conspiracy theories and government double-dealings, and most importantly, an army of plague victims hungering for human flesh. The CGI animation certainly allows for richer, bloodier and more explosive scenarios than in the live-action features, and if the story itself--RE heroes Clare Redfield and Leon S. Kennedy must fight their way from a zombie-infested airport to the pharmaceutical company that hides a key to the virus, as well as a monstrous new enemy--is so densely plotted as to warrant multiple rewinds, the picture knows it can be simply enjoyed as a player-free version of the game that inspired it. Vocal talent is probably Degeneration's weakest link (the already purple dialogue sounds extra cringe worthy in the mouths of the cast (which includes several voice actors from the games)) with a subplot involving Leon and fellow agent Angela Miller running a close second. However, neither is so detrimental to fans' enjoyment that it might prevent them from checking out the latest--and, it should be noted, not the final--chapter in Resident Evil's complex and gruesome mythology. --Paul Gaita

A zombie attack brings chaos to Harvardville Airport. Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield who fought the sinister Umbrella Corporation during the Raccoon City tragedy 7 years ago, are back. In high-octane Resident Evil style, they're ready to battle a rogue warrior who is seeking revenge after his family was killed in Raccoon City. The deadly G-Virus is unleashed and a new mutated monster goes on the rampage. Will Claire and Leon be able to terminate the virus before history repeats itself?

生化危机:恶化,非理想化(dystopian)恐怖系列中第一个完全CGI(计算机图形接口??)动画,它将这款游戏及其后来电影的粉丝们最想要东西呈现出来:如有一个迷人的女主角参与的枪战,一个涉及阴谋论和政府的错综复杂的阴谋,最重要的是,一支渴求人类欲望的灾难受害者的军队。CGI动画当然会考虑比真人实拍更丰富,更血腥,更具爆炸性的场景。如果生化危机故事本身的英雄Clare Redfield和Leon S. Kennedy必须从遍布丧尸的机场到隐藏着病毒的关键(or答案?)的制药公司之间杀出一条路,还要和可怕的敌人在一处狭小的空间中周旋,这种画面可以仅仅作为一个免费版本来吸引及娱乐玩家(本人水平有限,这句话我也不太明白,意思可能就是把游戏中的一些精彩画面发布出来以吸引玩家来玩)。在一个包括Leon和他同伴Angela Miller探员持续了几秒的场景中,声乐可能是恶化中最薄弱环节(那些华丽的对话从那些演员的口中说出听起来很畏缩(其中包括几个游戏中的配音演员))。然而,对于粉丝们的开心来说,没有任何东西会糟糕到让他们不再关注生化危机的最新动态,而且,需要指出的是,这不是生化危机复杂而可怕的神话中的最后篇章。--Paul Gaita

丧尸的袭击给Harvardville机场带来了混乱。在7年前的Raccoon City悲剧中与万恶的Umbrella Corporation战斗的Leon S. Kennedy和Claire Redfield回来了。在high-octane(高辛烷值的?)生化危机风格中,他们已经准备好了与rogue warrior(流氓勇士?)战斗,rogue warrior在家人于Raccoon City被杀害后一直寻求着复仇。致命的G病毒失控了,一个新的突变怪物继续着它的疯狂。Claire和Leon能否在历史重演之前终结这病毒呢?
