Gucci lovely bags
GUCCI bags,the main styles are usually very cute, they have been many young fashionable woman's favor, but the prices are generally more expensive.
While many people like this brand, but there are many limitations, as the price,people who own it are generally have very high status or high income.
Like other luxury brands,it also has a lot of styles,and most of them are very classical,so there have many counterfeit goods in different places.
New Bags Bvlgari BVLGARI
In 2009, Italy's top luxury brand Bvlgari BVLGARI launched a new interpretation of the new Doppio Tondo handbags, simple, streamlined design and the emergence of a more daring in the bag hasp at the classic double-ring inscribed "BVLGARI BVLGARI" logo, no doubt The new season will be the ultimate respect for the quality of women's day dresses and handbags of the necessary choice.
Soft leather handbag is also a new feature of the Doppio Tondo, fine beige, elegant purple to create a low-key luxurious femininity, BVLGARI Bvlgari unique pairs of golden pearl ring is wrapped in leather faint light water circulated out of infinite charm .
the bags of LV
LV,this brand is the world's popular, so once there are new products come out, it will be attracted by the fashion people.
The people who know the brand also know that this package is very expensive, many ordinary people can not afford, so it naturally became the dream of many people's minds.
The more expensive, the more mysterious and noble it is.
In fact, its package is valued and practicality merger, because the luxury because of its unique design, comfortable fabrics addition to highlighting the practical value is also very high taste. The classic pattern, wild style, large capacity is the strongest.
Dior Boston bag the luxury brand
Christian Dior Boston bag is favorite brand by the upper class people , it becames a fashion brands in recent years, and well-known brands, in addition to fashion sense, the most important thing is the representative of texture, each of which products will be that it makes a deep distributed out of the attracted by the texture and exquisite, suitable for any occasion.
It specializes in elegant and feminine circulated Jiaorao, combining the two characteristics of the women eager, noble and sexy, no wonder the women dream of will become famous. Dior brand, which features luxury, romantic and sexy, their sense of deeply rooted among leading the fashion avant-garde, and its style is a fashion and unique nature, each with a very feminine charm and interesting full.