
2025-02-24 02:04:03

I’m a strong believer that there are no accidents or coincidences in this life. I am confident in the notion that everything happens for a reason and that the people we meet come into our lives for a reason, to touch us in some way or perhaps even change our lives, although the reason may not be clear at first. I only knew Tony for a short time, and in all honesty not very well, but what I do know about him, I wouldn’t trade for all the gold in Fort Knox. What a tremendous loss for those in this world that didn’t have a chance to know him! For those who didn’t, I’d like to share a little of what I know, in the hope that even though Tony is unable to physically be here with us today, a part of him may live on in each of us and in turn, we can keep his spirit alive.
  Tony was, in my opinion, the most well-rounded, and appeared to emulate the ideal example of the yin-yang concept. He was a young corporate lawyer who didn’t allow his vast education and chosen profession to turn him into a greedy and corrupt individual; in fact he was just the opposite. He was humble and sincere, gentle and thoughtful, down to earth and compassionate. He enjoyed and experienced life in its true meaning – living each day as if it were his last and realizing the importance of what it means to be truly “alive”. He was always eager to learn new things, to put them into practice, with good intentions and a pure heart – a quality not typically seen in adults. When he learned something new, you could see the twinkle in his eye, he was a child at heart who wasn’t impressed with selfish, material things the world easily distracts us with. Instead, he set his sights on gifts that cannot be seen, nor can they be taken away: knowledge and wisdom, kindness and understanding, patience and love, those are the things that will remain forever. Tony had a special interest and was very talented in music and painting, reading and language, travel and nature. I’ve never heard anyone use the term “chrysanthemum” to define one of his favorite flowers – highly impressive, in my book. Tony’s demeanor was always cheerful, he always had pleasant things to say and share…and his sense of humor was priceless. A very wise man once said, ‘The mouth speaks what the heart is full of”. No matter what kind of a day I was having, he could always lift my spirits. His happiness was contagious and his laughter was infectious. He could make a 20 minute train ride feel as if it were 20 seconds – time does fly when you’re having fun! In today’s world, it’s difficult to find people to look at you rather, they usually look through you, because the majority of people are so busy trying to get where they’re going, but Tony was able to understand the importance of being a kid at heart, yet with the grace of an adult.
  Tony was also brave, adventurous and independent; he left his parents as a 16 year-old boy to go to college. As he grew into manhood, he ventured into the unknown land to follow his dreams without fear or hesitation and make a life for himself, with sheer determination and an admirable, unconquerable will. So I say to you all, do not be sad that Tony is no longer with us, but rejoice and appreciate each moment you spent with him. Learn as much as you can from the example he left us, as we are only here for a very short time, let us use it wisely. Only imitate what is good, only hate what is wrong, keep Tony in your hearts and look forward to the day that we meet him again.

