
2025-03-11 10:24:22



1. 哥伦比亚大学

Columbia University Campus Life:

Its not really a campus based party scene. Its New York, so student's don't have off campus houses to support that. The frats exist, but they aren't"open" like they are at the other Ivies. They aren't a real factorsocially. The bar scene is hit or miss, sometimes tons of people are out at places like Casbah, other nights (usually Friday) it might be quiet. A lot of people get into cliques and go off into the city.


2. 康奈尔大学

“Is Cornell "far" from big cities and does it get cold uphere? Yes and yes. I always hated winter, but there's something about it uphere that makes me appreciate both so much. Because there's no major city,students stick together to hang out and build bonds. I'm definitely going to keep in touch with everyone because of the amount of time I've spent with themand everything we've went through. The snow here really isn't a problem--and that was one thing I was worried about. You'll never walk in more than 2 inches of snow because the snow management here is like magic”


3. 卡内基梅隆大学

“CMU, especially CS, is a crowd of very intelligent workaholics who are willing to sacrifice sleep, personal hygiene, relationships and otherthings most people find as necessities to pursue academic pursuits and honetheir ability, and the professors encourage this behavior. When I was there grade inflation was not an issue and in some classes strict bell curves wereenforced to the point that over a 100% was required on some assignments to getan A.”


4. 南加州大学

“Is USC's alumni network really as amazing as it sounds?

For USC graduates to fully benefit from the famed Trojan FamilyNetwork, they must engage and participate in one of the many USC Alumni Clubsboth here in the US and around the world. There are 19 Alumni clubs inCalifornia alone, 25 in the US outside of California and 22 internationally toa total of 66 worldwide. These numbers only explain the depth of the officialUSC Alumni Association and not all of the individual schools, departments,athletic support groups, fraternity & sorority, etc. events that go onconstantly around you whether you are aware of them or not.”


南加大的毕业生真的能从有名的“Trojan Family”关系网中受益,他们必须在美国或者世界范围内至少加入一个南加大毕业生俱乐部。光加州就有19个毕业生俱乐部,美国内加州以外还有25个,世界范围内还有22个,一共66个。这只是南加大正式的毕业生协会的数量,还不含院、系、运动团体,兄弟会/姐妹会等团体的活动。

5. 东北大学

Alternative Spring Break. There are a number of opportunities to volunteer abroad during spring break — such as in Costa Rica and Israel. Someclasses and scholarship programs go abroad for spring break, too. One of mybest friends is going to Japan (all expenses paid) this spring through ascholarship; and, I have heard of certain classes going to Italy.



1.  UIUC

“How's life at UIUC?

UIUC is one of the most diverse campuses I've seen. They are known for their diversity, not including that big number of Illinois residents.

You can have so much fun on the campus. There are over 1,000clubs/organizations. A friend of mine went there with little cultural experience, and now she is a member of an ethnic dance team and president of a political club. She is a biology/pre-med major, and she's a freshman!”



2.  普渡大学

“Whatare some really cool facts about Purdue University, West Lafayette?

The Nuclear Engineering Department have anuclear reactor for their students to train in, although the output is onlyenough to power light bulbs.

DidYou Know?: Purdue Reactor No. 1

The Electrical and Computer Engineering department is the largestdepartment on campus and operates in 3 buildings, including the new building,Wang Hall.

The Brick Nanotechnology Center at the Purdue Discovery Park has oneof the only Class 1–10–100 clean room, Scifres Nanofabrication Laboratory inthe entire nation.

We have the Boilermaker Butcher Block which like many schools withargicultural departments, which sells meat produce at a great price.

In 1896, Math Professor Clarence Abiathar Waldo prevents the Indianastate senate from making Pi 3.2 by pointing the fallacy of the reasoning of it.

Purdueto celebrate Pi Day, role in defending the mathematical constant

Purdue had Amelia Earhart as part of the aviation faculty and herdocuments at the Purdue Archives are open to any student or researcher to read.It is the same for any famous alumni who donated their files to Purdue.

The founder of Purdue University, John Purdue is buried on the campusgrounds”





在1896年,数学教授Clarence Abiathar Waldo据理力争,阻止了印第安纳州上议院把圆周率定为3.2。

普渡的航空学院出过Amelia Earhart,她在普渡档案馆的文献对所有的学生和研究者开放。知名毕业生为普渡捐赠的文献也是如此。

普渡大学的创建者,John Purdue就埋在大学校园里。

3.  密歇根安娜堡分校

“Things to do around Ann Arbor?

Also look at the University Record. It has a list of every university event including recitals by music students, lectures, public discussion, etc.You could do 10 different things a day or more. You can volunteer as an usherat the Ark and get in free, there are concerts at Kerrytown, and tons ofstudent organizations. Pioneer HS has an awesome theater department too. Thereare also lots of local participant sports, leagues, Sunday bike rides, etc.etc. Lots of cheap eats around town too.”


4.  UCLA

“UCLA Sororities

there are drugs and there is partying but it's easy to avoid that stuff if you choose to. Realistically this is not LMU, everybody doesn't do hard drugs. A lot of people do smoke recreationally, but like i said you can easily avoid this if you so choose. I know quite a few people, including myself, who are a part of greek life but rarely party/drink. I think i went to maybe 4 parties last quarter but going greek was still a fantastic decision because when it comes down to it it's not just about partying/hooking up(atleast in my eyes). There is still plenty to do without drinking all the time.



5.  UCB

“Is it true that students at UC Berkeley can go to class in their pajamas?

Pajamas? When I was there, nobody would have batted an eye at pajamas.Heck, pjs would have been considered high fashion compared to what some people wore. And then there's the case of the Naked Guy. Yup, naked, except for shoes and a back pack. He would also carry a smallish towel to put on the grottyseats”


