如果您已经在网上支付签证费,会收到一封付费确认邮件,其中包括如何退款。我当时用chrome浏览器,遇到的问题是点击‘apply for refund' 时页面无反应,换成IE浏览器再试就可以退款了,几天后收到签证处邮件通知退款被接受并在处理中。以下是付费确认邮件的退款部分。
Visa4UK - Visa Application Payment Confirmation
Refund Policy
Your visa application fee will be refunded only if the application is withdrawn in writing within 3 months and 7 days of the original date of application and prior to the submission of biometric data; or if any application processing has taken place, if the submission of biometric data is not required in your case.
Requesting A Refund
To request a refund you must:
1. sign into your Visa4UK account using your email address and password;
2. select the option ‘View Payment’ for your application;
3. scroll down to ‘7. Request Refund’ and select the option ‘Request Refund’;
4. explain your reason(s) for requesting a refund in the area provided and then select the option ‘Apply for Refund’.
That’s it! Your request will be sent to us and we will aim to process your refund request within 10 working days. The funds should appear in your account 3-10 days after your refund has been processed.
哥,我也遇到同样的问题了 款退了没有现在?
我想问下你现在退到钱了吗? 我也遇到这个问题 现在头很疼