Corruption is by the NPC standing committee influence the first seven times meeting in 2009, feb. 28, through the amendments to the criminal law of the People's Republic of China (7) a new regulation, with China's anti-corruption efforts increasingly strengthen our country criminal law, the original provisions bribes can effectively state functionaries who close relatives and close the bribery phenomenon. Using the influence of the adding bribes in the legislation fills the blank. From the influence of bribery crime by constituents are analyzed, and the controversy surrounding criminal theory, from the objective aspects of the crime, criminal subject, crime, criminal subjective aspects, and the ideology and crime number one.
Besides the introduction, six points to discuss. Introductive mainly introduces the background, research topics of the meaning and the use of the main research method, etc. The first chapter analysis using the influence of the objective aspects of the corruption problem judicial cognizance. The second chapter analysis using the main influence that judicial corruption, the first part is using the influence of overview. Bribes The second part of the main influence bribery judicial cognizance is discussed. The third chapter analysis using influence subjective aspect of judicial cognizance bribes. The first part of the bribes from using the influential factors and understanding will factors are discussed. The second part of the bribes crime intentionally influence body form is discussed. The fourth chapter analysis using the influence of bribery, including the suspension of its form and failed. Chapter 5 to influence the accomplice of analyzing bribes. The first part of this behavior and analyzed using state functionaries who constitute the influence of bribes accomplice. The second part of this behavior analysis and state functionaries constituted bribery accomplice. The sixth chapter is to use the bribery crime number influence analysis of the form. Using the influence of bribes crime number between the meaning is expounded, and then discusses in judicial corruption in the use of several influential distinguish crime.
Keywords: use bribes; influence The crime, Judicial cognizance
Accepting bribes to use the influence of the 7th NPC Standing Committee meeting of February 28, 2009 adopted the "Criminal Law Amendment (7)" provided for a new offense, with the increasing of China's anti-corruption efforts strengthening of China's criminal law already provided for in bribery is not an effective containment of national staff of close relatives and people close to the phenomenon of bribery. The use of the additional influence of taking bribes to fill this legislative gap in our country. This paper the influence of taking bribes from the use of constituent elements of the crime analysis, criminal law theory around the controversial issues, from the objective aspect of crime, crime subject of the subjective aspects of crime, crime stop form, accomplices patterns, and patterns of crime of a few 11 discussions.
In addition to preface, the text is divided into six parts to start discussion. Preface introduces the topics of the background, the study of meaning and used in this article the main research methods and so on. The first chapter analyzes the influence of taking bribes to use the objective aspect of the judicial determination of the issue. Chapter II looks at the influence of taking bribes to use the judicial determination of the main problems is the use of the first part of the influence of an overview of the main body for accepting bribes. The second part of the right to use the influence of taking bribes for judicial determination of the subject discussed. Chapter III analyzes the influence of taking bribes to use the judicial determination of subjective questions. The first part of the influence of taking bribes from the use of knowledge of factors and factors will be discussed. The second part of the right to use the influence of bribery of the main manifestations of crime, he expounded on purpose. Chapter IV analyzes the impact of taking bribes to use the stop form, including the termination of this crime patterns and attempt to shape analysis. Chapter V is to use the influence of complicity in the crime of bribery shape analysis. The first part of the analysis of this crime constitutes personalities and national staff to use the influence of an accomplice of the crime of bribery. The second part analyzes the personalities and national staff offense constitutes a crime of complicity in bribery case. Chapter VI is the use of the influence of the crime of accepting bribes in the number of morphological analysis. First, the use of the influence of the crime of accepting bribes distinction between the meaning of the number of elaborate, and then discusses the use of the judicial application of the influence of the crime of accepting bribes distinction between the number of standard
Keywords: Using the influence of taking bribes; Crime composition; judicial determination of
Accepting bribes to use the influence of the 7th NPC Standing Committee meeting of February 28, 2009 adopted the "Criminal Law Amendment (7)" provided for a new offense, with the increasing of China's anti-corruption efforts strengthening of China's criminal law already provided for in bribery is not an effective containment of national staff of close relatives and people close to the phenomenon of bribery. The use of the additional influence of taking bribes to fill this legislative gap in our country. This paper the influence of taking bribes from the use of constituent elements of the crime analysis, criminal law theory around the controversial issues, from the objective aspect of crime, crime subject of the subjective aspects of crime, crime stop form, accomplices patterns, and patterns of crime of a few 11 discussions.
In addition to preface, the text is divided into six parts to start discussion. Preface introduces the topics of the background, the study of meaning and used in this article the main research methods and so on. The first chapter analyzes the influence of taking bribes to use the objective aspect of the judicial determination of the issue. Chapter II looks at the influence of taking bribes to use the judicial determination of the main problems is the use of the first part of the influence of an overview of the main body for accepting bribes. The second part of the right to use the influence of taking bribes for judicial determination of the subject discussed. Chapter III analyzes the influence of taking bribes to use the judicial determination of subjective questions. The first part of taking bribes from the use of influence factors and the understanding of factors will be discussed. The second part of the right to use the influence of bribery of the main manifestations of crime, he expounded on purpose. Chapter IV analyzes the impact of taking bribes to use the stop form, including the termination of this crime patterns and attempt to shape analysis. Chapter V is to use the influence of complicity in the crime of bribery shape analysis. The first part of the analysis of this crime constitutes personalities and national staff to use the influence of an accomplice of the crime of bribery. The second part analyzes the personalities and national staff offense constitutes a crime of complicity in bribery case. Chapter VI is the use of the influence of the crime of accepting bribes in the number of morphological analysis. First, the use of the influence of the crime of accepting bribes distinction between the meaning of the number of elaborate, and then discusses the use of the judicial application of the influence of the crime of accepting bribes distinction between the number of standards.
Keywords: Using the influence of taking bribes; Crime composition; judicial determination of
Accepting bribes to use the influence of the 7th NPC Standing Committee meeting of February 28, 2009 adopted the "Criminal Law Amendment (7)" provided for a new offense, with the increasing of China's anti-corruption efforts strengthening of China's criminal law already provided for in bribery is not an effective containment of national staff of close relatives and people close to the phenomenon of bribery. The use of the additional influence of taking bribes to fill this legislative gap in our country. This paper the influence of taking bribes from the use of constituent elements of the crime analysis, criminal law theory around the controversial issues, from the objective aspect of crime, crime subject of the subjective aspects of crime, crime stop form, accomplices patterns, and patterns of crime of a few 11 discussions.
In addition to preface, the text is divided into six parts to start discussion. Preface introduces the topics of the background, the study of meaning and used in this article the main research methods and so on. The first chapter analyzes the influence of taking bribes to use the objective aspect of the judicial determination of the issue. Chapter II looks at the influence of taking bribes to use the judicial determination of the main problems is the use of the first part of the influence of an overview of the main body for accepting bribes. The second part of the right to use the influence of taking bribes for judicial determination of the subject discussed. Chapter III analyzes the influence of taking bribes to use the judicial determination of subjective questions. The first part of the influence of taking bribes from the use of knowledge of factors and factors will be discussed. The second part of the right to use the influence of bribery of the main manifestations of crime, he expounded on purpose. Chapter IV analyzes the impact of taking bribes to use the stop form, including the termination of this crime patterns and attempt to shape analysis. Chapter V is to use the influence of complicity in the crime of bribery shape analysis. The first part of the analysis of this crime constitutes personalities and national staff to use the influence of an accomplice of the crime of bribery. The second part analyzes the personalities and national staff offense constitutes a crime of complicity in bribery case. Chapter VI is the use of the influence of the crime of accepting bribes in the number of morphological analysis. First, the use of the influence of the crime of accepting bribes distinction between the meaning of the number of elaborate, and then discusses the use of the judicial application of the influence of the crime of accepting bribes distinction between the number of standard
Keywords: Using the influence of taking bribes; Crime composition; judicial determination of