
2025-03-01 16:57:01

1. first everybody put out your hands infront of you and bend the middle fingers with backs touching.
2. then let the other 4 fingers touch from tip to tip.
3. before we start, make sure that during the game, you only seperate one pair of finger at a time. now the game begins.
4. please open up your thumbs, the thumbs represents our parents, they can be opened. Everyone lives then die,and oneday, our parents will also leave our sides.
5. now close your thumbs and open the index fingers. The index fingers represents our sisters and brothers, they will oneday have their own family, they will leave us too.
6. close the index fingers and open your little fingers, the little fingers represents our children. Our children will soon grow up and have a life of their own, they too, will leave us.
7. Now, please close the little fingers and open the ring fingers.This time you will find that it is impossible to seperate them. The index fingers represents husband and wife, and they will never leave one and another. true love will last eternally, inseparable.

原文是你写的吗? (⊙o⊙) 有的地方写的不是很通畅。
有问题的话 我在帮你改好了。
我是在海外学习的 希望对你有帮助。


起码你得自己翻译了 然后让大家帮你修改啊 这样谁有功夫翻译呢


1, first we extend both hands, bend the middle finger down on the close together, is back with the middle finger back together
2, then the other 4 fingers tips to tips
3, at the beginning of the game to the topic, make sure that the following process, the five fingers, allowing only a pair of fingers separated. The following are questions star
5, close up your thumb, then open the index finger, index finger represent brothers and sisters, they will have their own family background, will be leaving us.
6, close up your index finger, and then open a small thumb, a small thumb on behalf of their children, children grow up, sooner or later one day be their family life, will be leaving us.
7, then close up your litter finer, try to open your ring finger. This time, you will surprised to find how hard Zhang Bukai ring finger, ring finger on behalf of husband and wife because it is not separated from life. True love will stick together ever and forever inseparable.t the game.

4, please open your right thumb, the thumb represent parents, it can be open, everyone will have birth and death, parents will leave us one day.


1, first we extend both hands, bend the middle finger down, and close together, is back with the middle finger back together
2, then the other four fingers on each fingertip touch
3, at the beginning of the game to the topic, make sure that the following process, the five fingers, allowing only a pair of fingers separated. Start the game to the question below.
4, please open your right thumb, the thumb represent parents, it can be open, everyone will have birth and death, parents will leave us one day.
Five, let us together on the thumb, then open the index finger, index finger represent brothers and sisters, they will have their own family background, will be leaving us.
6, close up your index finger, and then open a small thumb, a small thumb on behalf of their children, children grow up, sooner or later one day be their family life, will be leaving us.
7, then close up your litter finer, try to open your ring finger. This time, you will surprised to find how hard Zhang Bukai ring finger, ring finger on behalf of husband and wife because it is not separated from life. True love will stick together ever and forever inseparable.

This is the husband and wife.
Thanks. Straightforward as the translation. I am a high school student. The best high school students can understand. Worth of thanks