Third movement : C minor, Allegro, three-quarters beat, Scherzo.Minute-wrote the trilogy with the music, atonal, returned to the volatile emotions, such arduous struggle is the way to the fourth movement of the transition and transformation.Comparative constituted by the Ministry of the main theme, a theme of two factors :The first factor produced by the rapid upward trend for Cello and Bass, a forward force.But is some hesitation.Another factor is that this should be based on the sentence, composed by a series of chord, it is calm, restrained, also reveals feelings of uneasiness.The theme of the two statements after the horn to play a very active, as the clarion call for a new theme, the familiar rhythmWe will be able to immediately confirm the first part of the theme here with a different image, its dignity, stability,with a march features.Two different temperament, intense home the theme of the screen, showing the turbulent and arduous fight scenes.and every time there are more and more acute, complex, replete with dramatic results.German and Austrian folk dance in the middle part of the central theme of warm, by the uncertainty in C minor to C major.Music used Polyphonic Fugue in harmony with the melody of contrast, was warm and optimistic.Cello and Bass play first, in contrast to its previous musical, not a containment force,create surging momentum, and demonstrated the strength of a growing wave after wave and faith in the triumph.The third component is a dynamic scenes Department.The themes of the first two parts of the audience with Ruoyin for Reconstruction and Development.Percussion - Timpani indicates that the basic contradictions rhythm motive for the continuation of the conflict, which is preparing for a final assault on the strength of their savings.Then, the first theme emerged quietly, extending upward free music, the band took to constantly expand their efforts from weak to strong.Tonality color from covert to overt, not gradually develop into a containment force,into reaching the final chord sounded loud music.Fourth Movement : Allegro 4/4 racket, Sonata Form.The fourth full-scale bright and boundless joy and emotional music is a lively scene of victory cheers.Department of the Ministry of being part of the main theme consists of two parts, the first part of the triumphant march to a magnificent and majestic,Chord full and effective melody positive move forward by the entire band played strong.The second part of the Department of consistency with the mood music from the horn and woodwind instrument sound, bright colors and soft, a march tempo.SINGING emotional joy of a dividend.Vice theme produced by the string instruments, on the establishment of the G major.It was a rhythm to Sanlianyin mainly relaxed and happy with the ups and downs of the Dance.In the light at the end of the Ministry, the Ministry of being linked with a section of the new melody.Ministry launched the second theme is the basis for the development of an active, growing louder the music, like an immense crowd.into the joy of the sea.Near the climax, the "destiny" and also inserted into the figure, but it is no longer the strong critic,seemed to struggle memories of the past, and echoed the first movement.Reappearance of the Music Department essentially repeated the presentation, add some new strength.This new theme, which was heroic waves from the bottom of my heart out, self-confidence, pride and courage.Huge at the end of a glorious C Major sounded a triumphant march, which is a staggering amount of momentum,After victory in the struggle finally show people the incomparable joy.Symphony of Beethoven's "Fifth Symphony" Creation of the most representative works, Engels said :"If not heard of this magnificent work, then your life can be said to have heard what works. "
Third music movement: The C folk song, the allegro, 3/4 bat, bantersthe tune. This music movement wrote with the duplicate trilogy type,in adjusts on the nature, returned to 动荡不安 the mood, thepicture is the difficult struggle also is continuing, it is to thefourth music movement transition and the transformation. 主部 by twocontrasts subjects constitution, the first subject has two factors:The first factor plays rapidly the upward melody by the cello and thedouble bass, some one kind prompts forward strength, but appearssomewhat hesitates. Another factor is in this foundation should thesentence, is composed by a succession of chord, it is calm, thesuppression, also appears the restless mood.
This subject after stated two is next, the French horn plays extremelyactively, the bugle new subject, that familiar rhythm, enables us allof a sudden to confirm the first music movement the subject appearedin here by another kind of image, it dignified, is steady, has themarching song the characteristic. Two different gas archery targets,the incisive opposition subject took turns to appear, has displayed动荡不安 and the difficult struggle scene, moreover each timeappeared more and more incisively, is all complex,
Is rich in the theatrical effect. Middle partially take thewarm German Austria folk dance music as the central subject,transferred the bright C major by the C folk song, the music has usedthe duplicate accent 赋格 with the main tuning and the soundcontrast technique, the mood warm and optimistic, first played by thecello and the double bass, it formed the contrast with the frontmusic, some one kind could not be contained the strength, created theblustery potential, displayed people's strength to surge wave uponwave with is more and more strong must win the faith. The third partis the power reappearance department. The first part of two subjectall uses the weak sound to play, carries on the reappearance and thedevelopment.
The kettledrum raps the basic motive rhythm indication contradictoryconflict is continuing, this is saving the strength which thepreparation finally sprints. After that, the first subject appears ina soft voice, the music free upwardly extends, orchestra's soundterritory unceasingly expands, dynamics from weakly arrives strongly,the adjusting color from darkly arrives clearly, gradually developsthe strength which into one kind cannot be contained, the resoundingchord sound inducts the magnificent final music movement.
Fourth music movement: Allegro 4/4 bat, sonata type. The broad inscale fourth music movement fills the light and the incomparably happymood, is cheers the victory the warm scene. The music movementpresentation department 主部 subject contains two parts, the firstpart by grand triumphal returns the marching song to start, the chordfull is powerful, the melody positively to front, strongly plays bythe entire orchestra.
The second part of music mood and the front part links up, plays bythe French horn and the woodwind instrument, the timbre bright and isgentle, the marching song rhythm, the mood joyfully is rich in singsthe nature.
The vice- subject plays by the stringed musical instrument,establishes in the G major. This is by three 连音 rhythms primarily,relaxed has the fluctuation the happy dance music.
In the presentation department knot final stage, appeared a sectionthe new melody which relates with the presentation department.Launches is take the second subject widespread active development asthe foundation, unceasingly surges upward the music, the picture isthe limitless crowd, collected the happy sea. When approaches the hightide, "the destiny" the figure inserted, but it no longer resolute isstrong, the inverted image is the recollection which struggled to thepast, coordinated with each other across a great distance with thefirst music movement. The reappearance department basically hasduplicated the presentation department music, the new strengthslightly had increases. This new subject, likes very rough sea wavesto flow out from the heroic moral nature, is self-confidentheroically, marches forward courageously. The huge last act,magnificently resounded the C major to triumphal return the marchingsong, it had the imposing manner which moved mountains, displayed thepeople finally to achieve the success after the struggle incomparablyto be happy.
"Fifth Symphony" is in the Beethoven symphony creation most has one ofrepresentative works, Engels has said: "If has not listened to thisgrand work speech, then your this life may say is any work has notlistened."