1.chest (all around) 胸围
2.waist(5"down from armhole all around)腰围(夹下5“量)
3.sweep(all around)摆围
4.back length(from HPS to bottom)MANU** 后身长-高肩点至摆边
5.across shoulder (seam to seam)肩宽(缝至缝)
6.chest and mid-armhole
7.neck width(seam to seam)领宽-缝至缝
8.front neck drop(seam to seam)前领深
9.back neck drop(frm imag.line to sea)
10.neck opening stretched (minimum)领围
11.armhole opening袖笼开口
12.sleeve length(fromC.B.)LONG or 3/4 袖长-后中量
13.sleeve width at bicep(1/2"frm armh)袖肥-夹下1/2
14.cuff opening SHORT 袖开口
15.cuff width 袖宽
16.cuff opening(all around LONG or 3/4)袖开口
17.sleeve length(fromC.B.)SHORT袖长
18.special cuff width 特殊袖宽
19.neck opening circular MANU**
20.stand collar height at c.b领座高后中量
21.collar height at c.b后中领高
22.collar point领尖宽
23.Plaquet lenght
24.placket width门襟宽
25.side silt length
26.pocket width at top口袋宽袋顶
27. pocket lenght at center口袋长中量
28.Elbow sz-6 at 6.5"below under arm
29.raglan front armhole length from neck
30.raglan back armhole length from neck
31.quantity of button required at cente
32.belt position from HPS**腰带围距高尖点
33.belt length***腰带长
34.head circumference(insideall aroun
35.peck width
36.front pannel width (seam to seam)前翻领宽
37.cap heigth
38.side pannel width(seam to seam)侧翻领宽
39.peak length
40.strap length or elastic length
41.back opening width
42.strap width or elastic width
43.back pannel width(above back opening)后翻领宽