The reason why we offer a free sample to you, because we just have a warehouse, in fact, our company policy is not allowed to offer samples for free, if you insist on still have to provide another free samples, we can only please factory mold, but you know, the general mold costs are expensive, and factories can not be for you a product and mold. To fight for our first collaboration, I've tried, I hope you can believe my sincerity.
呵呵。。 一楼的用了google translator
The first sample we provided for free of charge was solely because we happen to have one in our warehouse. And it is our company policy, that we are not allowed to offer free samples. The factory need to design a new mold if you insist on having another sample, and as you may know, it is much expensive to do so. Most likely factories would not be able to design a new mold for sample products.
We have tried our best to get this very first collaboration. We do hope you will understand and believe our sincerity.