private DataSet dsProvince = null;//省
private DataSet dsCity = null;//市
private DataView dvCity = null;
public string provinceId = "";//省级编号
public string cityId = "";//市级编号
private string idStr = "";
private string province;//省级名称
private string city;
private void CityControl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
lkpProvince.Visible = ProvinceShow;
lkpCity.Visible = CityShow;
lkpCounty.Visible = CountyShow;
lkpProvince.Text = Province;
provinceId = SetBh(1, "0", province);
lkpCity.Text = City;
cityId = SetBh(2, provinceId, city);
public DataRow SetDataRow(DataTable dt, string pid, string id, out string name)
name = "";
DataView dvSet = dt.DefaultView;
dvSet.RowFilter = " CITYID='" + id + "' and PARENTID='" + pid + "' ";
DataTable dataTable = dvSet.ToTable();
if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
name = dataTable.Rows[0]["CITY"] == null ? "" : dataTable.Rows[0]["CITY"].ToString();
return dataTable.Rows[0];
return null;
private string SetBh(int index, string pid, string name)
DataTable dt = null;
if (index == 1)
if (dsProvince != null && dsProvince.Tables != null && dsProvince.Tables[0] != null && dsProvince.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
dt = dsProvince.Tables[0];
else if (index == 2)
if (dsCity != null && dsCity.Tables != null && dsCity.Tables[0] != null && dsCity.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
dt = dsCity.Tables[0];
string bh = "";
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
if (pid != "" && name != "")
DataView dvSet = dt.DefaultView;
dvSet.RowFilter = " CITY='" + name + "' and PARENTID='" + pid + "' ";
DataTable dataTable = dvSet.ToTable();
if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
bh = dataTable.Rows[0]["CITYID"] == null ? "" : dataTable.Rows[0]["CITYID"].ToString();
return bh;
#region 省级
private void lkpProvince_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
province = this.lkpProvince.Text + "";
#region 第一步:确定省级状况
if (province == "")//当未选择任何省份时
provinceId = "";
province = "";
cityId = "";
city = "";
countyId = "";
county = "";
lkpProvince.Text = "";
lkpCity.Text = "";
lkpCounty.Text = "";
SetDorp(0, "", false, out idStr);
DataRow[] prRow = dsProvince.Tables[0].Select(" CITY='" + province + "'");
if (prRow != null && prRow.Length > 0)
province = prRow[0]["CITY"] + "";
if ((provinceId != "" && provinceId != prRow[0]["CITYID"] + "") || provinceId == "")
provinceId = prRow[0]["CITYID"] + "";
if (province != "" && provinceId != "" && (lkpProvince.SelectedRow == null || lkpProvince.SelectedRow["CITYID"].ToString() == ""))
this.lkpProvince.SelectedRow = SetDataRow(dsProvince.Tables[0], "0", provinceId, out province);
provinceId = "";
lkpCity.Table = dsCity.Tables[0];
#region 第二步:确定市级情况
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(provinceId) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cityId)))
cityId = "";
lkpCity.Text = "";
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(provinceId))
lkpCity.Table = SetDorp(1, " PARENTID='" + provinceId + "'", true, out idStr);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cityId))
if (!(("," + idStr + ",").Contains(",'" + cityId + "',")))
cityId = "";
lkpCity.Text = "";
this.lkpCity.SelectedRow = SetDataRow(dsCity.Tables[0], provinceId, cityId, out city);
if (province != "")
#region 市级
private void lkpCity_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
#region 第一步:确定市级情况
city = this.lkpCity.Text + "";
if (province != "" && city == "")//当市级选择为空字符串时
cityId = "";
countyId = "";
county = "";
else if (province == "" && city == "")
province = "";
provinceId = "";
cityId = "";
countyId = "";
county = "";
SetDorp(0, "", false, out idStr);
DataRow[] crRow = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(provinceId))
crRow = dsCity.Tables[0].Select(" CITY='" + city + "' and PARENTID='" + provinceId + "' ");
crRow = dsCity.Tables[0].Select(" CITY='" + city + "'");
if (crRow != null && crRow.Length > 0)
city = crRow[0]["CITY"] + "";
if ((cityId != "" && cityId != crRow[0]["CITYID"] + "") || cityId == "")
cityId = crRow[0]["CITYID"] + "";
provinceId = crRow[0]["PARENTID"] + "";
if (province != "" && provinceId != "" && city != "" && cityId != "" && (lkpCity.SelectedRow == null || lkpCity.SelectedRow["CITYID"].ToString() == ""))
this.lkpCity.SelectedRow = SetDataRow(dsCity.Tables[0], provinceId, cityId, out city);
cityId = "";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(provinceId))
this.lkpCity.Table = SetDorp(1, " PARENTID='" + provinceId + "'", false, out idStr);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cityId))
this.lkpCity.SelectedRow = SetDataRow(dsCity.Tables[0], provinceId, cityId, out city);
this.lkpCity.Text = city;
#region 第二步:确定省级情况
if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(provinceId)))
this.lkpProvince.SelectedRow = SetDataRow(dsProvince.Tables[0], "0", provinceId, out province);
this.lkpProvince.Text = province;