ore efficiency. With the new computers, workers got more done in less time. They were also given an additional incentive for finishing work ahead of the deadline. They even turned it into a competition. Each month, the employee with the most accomplished would receive a free dinner. By encouraging its employees to work faster, the company saved money and resources.
The more competent and better trained a company’s employees are, the less likely they will make errors in their work. A company that does not have well trained employees has to rely on the department managers for quality control. If a company trains employees better, then the department manager does not have to spend as much time correcting the mistakes of his employees. This gives the manager more time to focus on other projects. Google gives its managers, and even its employees, time to focus on their own projects. This freedom has led to technological innovations that generate millions of dollars in profit for Google each year.
By spending a little money on training and organizing its employees, a company can benefit greatly from the end results. The more successful a company, the more benefits a company can give its employees. As a result, employees work harder for the company and help the company become even more successful.
(390 words Written by Anna )