Property management
Once the related development team completes a development, our property management team steps in and assumes the ongoing responsibilities for its operations. We currently provide property management services to virtually all of our residential, mixed-use, retail and commercial properties, including over 31,000 apartments within 175 properties, and over 6 million square feet of commercial, retail and mixed-use space.
Managing our properties is an important part of our overall strategy and enables us to create additional value for our assets over time. We maintain our properties with exceptional detail and undertake physical improvements on an ongoing basis. For our commercial developments, we also devise and maintain an optimal retail tenant mix to ensure the property’s continued appeal. These practices allow us to position each of our properties as best-in-class and help to increase their revenue streams.
Our property management functions include maintenance, administration, accounting, customer service, marketing and leasing. These daily activities are closely monitored and controlled by our corporate entity, which is responsible for budgeting, financial and regulatory compliance and reporting for all our properties. Our approach of providing direct, comprehensive management services under strategic direction of our executive officers enables us to maximize cash flow while protecting the long-term value of each asset.
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Awards and achievements
Accredited management organization of the year
George m. Brooker management executive of the year award
Pinnacle award for operating over 1,000,000 square feet of office space
The office building of the year (toby) in the one million square foot category
The office building of the year (toby)
Certified property manager of the year
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