求泡沫爱情的片尾曲 ???

2025-03-10 16:58:13

记得不是很清楚了,4.5年前看过的电视 好象是 安在旭 唱的吧 叫 姻缘可以去听听 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/LD3DYS2OUWU/ 不知道是不是`


据说这是台湾翻译时配的歌,OST上可能没有。大家可以到这里去听,是有人录下来的。 附:歌词(我在网上搜到的比较靠谱的一个版本) I gotta Think about you There's a Heaven in my heart I trust my heart to reach you Where the sea wasn't apart Where dO i start? You belongs to someone else And i know it's wrong for me To show you how i facing next i do But i juz can't help myself You belongs tO sOmEonE else But OnLy in my DrEamS Could i have to get sO close tO yOu I never make you see So i have to make the most to You Only in my Dreams Doing works of works of LifE