(1)音标:英 [tiːtʃ];美 [titʃ]
(2)解释:① vt. 教;教授;教导 ② vi. 教授;讲授;当老师 ③ n. (Teach)人名;(英)蒂奇
(3)形式变换:过去式 taught,过去分词 taught,现在分词 teaching
(4)词组短语:teach oneself自学、teach english教英语、teach school教书;当教师
① Teach me how to ride a bicycle. 请你教我怎样骑自行车。
② If someone puts you down,you should teach him a lesson. 如果有人奚落你,你就应该教训教训他。
(1)音标:英 [lɜːn];美 [lɝn]
(2)解释:① vt. 学习;得知;认识到 ② vi. 学习;获悉
(3)形式变换:过去式 learned或 learnt,过去分词 learned或 learnt,现在分词 learning
(4)词组短语:learn from向…学习、learn english学习英语、learn about了解;学习learn by oneself自学、learn of听说,听到;获悉、learn to do做事;学会做某事;学习做…、learn how to learn学习如何学习、learn by heart记住;默记;背诵、learn a lesson受到教训、motivation to learn学习的动机、learn the ropes摸到门道;弄清内幕;知道事情的内情、learn the hard way通过艰难困苦而学到、learn and live活到老学到老;学无止境
① We should learn from experienced teachers. 我们应该向有经验的教师学习。
② We must exploit every opportunity to learn new things. 我们必须利用一切机会学习新事物。