1、读书破万卷,下笔如有神。
break
rolls
of
reading,
writing
if
there
is
god
2、书到用时方恨少
when
you
use
knowledge,
you
will
find
you
haven't
enough
3、积累知识
胜过积蓄金银
wisdom
is
better
than
gold
or
silver.
4、读书总会有所收获(开卷有益)
there
are
always
advantages
in
opening
a
book.
5、温故而知新,可以为师矣——孔子
if
a
man
keeps
cherishing
his
old
knowledge,so
as
continually
to
be
acquiring
new,he
may
be
a
teacher
of
others.
--confucius
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