问题一:那我打扰到你了吗?用英语怎么说? have I bothered you?
-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助请追问,谢谢。
问题二:不好意思,打扰到你了.如何用英语表达 不好意思,打扰到你了.1 Excuse me / Sorry to trouble you (事先说的)
2 Sorry to have troubled you (事後说的)
问题三:是否会打扰到你 用英语怎么说? Whether it will bother you or not ?
问题四:想你却不敢打扰你,怕打扰到你 。用英语怎么说 10分 It't not true that I don't miss you, as I'm afraid of disturbing you.
问题五:聊天时 “你忙吧 不打扰你了”用英语 怎么翻译 西元之神 的回答最正确, 语意基本正确, 没有语法错误.
take your time 感觉是好像你给人家一件事, 让人家慢慢来的意思.
在聊天中这样的话一般不字对字的直译, 表达出意思就可以了. 一般可以这样说:
I know you are busy, I'll let you go now.
You're probably busy, I won't take any more of your time.
具体词可以变换, e.g. I shouldn't, I dont' want to, etc.
问题六:打扰你睡觉了吗?用英语怎么说? I am sorry to have disturbed your sleep
问题七:那我就不打扰你了用英语怎么说? 英文翻译为:
I will not bother you.
问题八:不打扰你了 用英语怎么说? Don't disturb you!
问题九:“最后一次打扰你了!”用英语怎么说?? 使用no longer / no more / not any longer / not any more 句式
(不再, 再也不 )I won't bother you any more;I won't disturb you any more;