关于我们班一起旅行-- About our class are going to travelling-----
注意: Pls pay your attention on following:
第一点:我们去游泳时间定于9月6号,记住,在9月6日。 Firstly, the time for us to go swimming is 6th, September, pls remember the day is 6th, September.
Secondly, we'll gather at the gate of the school, pls wait there at 7:00 on time, as we will start for the journey at 7:30.
Thirdly, there is a warm tips for you--- pls take care of yourself when you are swimming. And we advise that there is a few other guys come with you into a party, don't go swimming just by yourself, in case of any emergency / accidents.
About we travel together
attention:firstly we will go to swim.
Notice: about our attention: first class travel together, we went swimming