
2025-02-23 22:03:25

Fire 开火
Cease fire 停火
Hold your position / Hold 在原位坚持住 / 留在原位 Hold the line 保持防线 / 队形 Take cover 找掩体
Cover me / him 掩护我 / 他 Cover fire 火力压制 Fall back 撤退
Fire in the hole/Grenade 前方有爆炸; 有手榴弹(在附近) Loading / Reloading / changing mag(magazine) 正在换弹药 low on ammo 快没弹药了 Scout / Recon 侦察 Clear 安全
Engaged / In coming 接敌/敌方炮火来袭
Friendly 自己人(提醒看不到自己的战友或友军) Follow me,and keep low. 跟上,低点注意隐蔽。 (二)Standyby.GO. 准备行动!
Contact.Enemy patril dead ahead. 目标接触!正前方有敌兵巡逻。 Stay low and move slowly.We'll be impossible to spot in our ghillie suits.
Take one out when the other's not looking. 另个不注意的时候干掉一个。
There's more cover if we go around. 我们过去,那有更多掩体。 Four tangos inside.Don't even think about it. 屋内4个敌兵,不要想点子了。
Wait there,Targo by the car.呆在那,目标上车了。
Take him out quietly or just let him pass.Your call.干掉他,不要出声音。或者让他过去。你看着办。
Don't move.we've got a lookout in the church tower.别动,教堂塔楼有岗哨。
....and a patrol coming from the north。北边还有个巡逻兵正在向我们靠近。
Let's move for the better view.调整视野,准备行动
Do you have a shot on the lookout?He's in the tower.可能干掉岗哨?他在塔楼里
Target approaching from the north. 北边目标正在接近 Tango down,Go.目标击毙。走!
Forward area clear.前方区域安全! The coast is clear.道路畅通!
Enemy helicopter,Get down.敌军武装直升机,趴下!

