“像过去一样”翻译成英语为"As in the past"也可翻译为"The same as in the past"
For example, Avid's programs, like most software, use folders.But they're called'bins,'after the canvas bags into which editors used to toss small lengths of film.
“ Over the last two or three years we have seen very wealthy owners become part of football clubs and therefore go on this kamikaze effort to spend their money,” he said.
So when you turn to the built environment, you can 't expect to deliver health care in the future the same way and in the same space as you did in the last few decades.
政治学家狄潘卡古普塔(dipankar gupta)表示,过去,村里的农民们认为,未来会像现在一样“灰暗”。
Dipankar Gupta, a political scientist, says farmers in the villages used to know that tomorrow would be as “ grimy ” as today.
像过去一样: (just) like what it /sb. used to be
e.g. The village is like what it used to be.
The woman is like what she used to be.
as the past time
as sb used to
as always
just like ago