Hello everyone. It's my turn to do duty report today. Of course everybody knows me here, after all we have been getting along with each other for months. However, in case, I'd like to introduce myself again, officially. My name is XXX. I'm 16 years old. I can still recall it that my first duty report was done during the senior year of middle school. And since it was my first time, I didn't get fully prepared and just had it done with some randomly-organized sentences. Guess my duty report today is way too better than that. Well, at least I prepared for this one. As a matter of fact, I do not have many hobbies besides listening to music and surfing the Internet. I was into playing basketball only for a short while during my freshman year in middle school. But I lost my interest about that after that period of time. I've no idea what I'm about to say, so I don't wanna waste your time any more. That's it. I'm gonna go back to my seat. Thank you all.
楼主,好歹追加点分,我在线就这么给你边译边打出来的,没有功劳也有苦劳啊。想当年中学里我们也是做过这个鬼玩意儿的……哈哈,祝你报告顺利(看来还是个小男生) ^^