Nancy Hopkins (Nancy Hopkins) is a professor of biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Her thirst for knowledge, hard work. However, as a scientist, she could not help noticing the campus gender inequality (gender inequality) in all its manifestations. Professor of men and women doing the same work, but to enhance it, executive leadership is very selective, ironically, was achieved after so many cultural advancement of women in higher education actually still at a disadvantage. When she increased laboratory area of the request is rejected, she knew she had to put up a fight. So bite the bullet to the principal complaint. The fight ended in a victory, Nancy has therefore become a gender equality advocates.
“Nancy Hopkins is the professor of biology in MIT. She is craving for knowledge and working very hard. However, she could never ignore all kinds of behaviors of gender inequality within the campus. Although both male and female professors do the same work, yet the administrative leaders are quite selective when they promote their subordinates. Ironically, females are still at an unfavorable positions within institutions of higher education after so much cultural progress have been made. After her request for expanding the area of the lab was refused, she began to understand that she must stand up and fight. Therefore, she clenched her teeth and appeal to the president of the university. Eventually, as it ended up with a triumph, Nancy became an advocate for the equality of men and women."
Nancy Hopkins is a biology professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She is eager for knowledge, hard work.However, as a scientist, she couldn't help noticing the campus of inequality between men and women (gender inequality) all kinds of performance. Men and women professors doing the same job, but to enhance the time,administrative leadership is very selective, it is ironic that after so much cultural progress, women in higher education institutions are still at a disadvantage.When she refused to request for more lab space, she knew she had to fight.Therefore clench one's teeth complained to the president. The fight ended in victory, Nancy became advocates of equality between men and women.