作为演员布兰登·弗雷泽 Brendan Fraser的电影作品(数量:56)Singularity ------- (2008) 地心游记3D/地心历险3D/地心历险记3D Journey to the Center of the Earth ------- (2008) 墨水心 Inkheart ------- (2008) 木乃伊3:龙的诅咒/盗墓迷城3/神鬼传奇3/木乃伊3 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor ------- (2008) 我呼吸的空气/瞬息万变 The Air I Breathe ------- (2007) So Goes the Nation ------- (2006) 最后一次 The Last Time ------- (2006) 暗夜旅程 Journey to the End of the Night ------- (2006) Beach Bunny ------- (2005) The 8th Shanghai International Film Festival ------- (2005) 101 Most Unforgettable SNL Moments ------- (2004) 撞车/冲撞/冲击效应 Crash ------- (2004) Revenge of the Mummy: The Ride ------- (2004) 2004 Taurus World Stunt Awards ------- (2004) 过气童星 Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star ------- (2003) 第75届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 75th Annual Academy Awards ------- (2003) The Osbourne Family Christmas Special ------- (2003) 华纳巨星总动员/巨星总动员 Looney Tunes: Back in Action ------- (2003) "Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show" ------- (2003) 沉默的美国人 The Quiet American ------- (2002) 2001 MTV Movie Awards ------- (2001) 盗墓迷城2/木乃伊归来:盗墓谜城/神鬼传奇2 The Mummy Returns ------- (2001) 用力擦洗 "Scrubs" ------- (2001) 蹦蹦猴 Monkeybone ------- (2001) Spotlight on Location: The Mummy Returns ------- (2001) 神鬼愿望/魔女搵老衬 Bedazzled ------- (2000) Sinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists ------- (2000) 超时空宠爱/超时空恋爱 Blast from the Past ------- (1999) Mummies: The Real Story ------- (1999) Building a Better Mummy ------- (1999) 骑警杜德雷 Dudley Do-Right ------- (1999) Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary ------- (1999) The World of Gods and Monsters: A Journey with James Whale ------- (1999) 木乃伊/盗墓迷城/神鬼传奇 The Mummy ------- (1999) 第71届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 71st Annual Academy Awards ------- (1999) 诸神与野兽/神与魔鬼 Gods and Monsters ------- (1998) The Twilight of the Golds ------- (1997) 爱情口难开 Still Breathing ------- (1997) 森林泰山/至野一族 George of the Jungle ------- (1997) 致命糖衣锭 Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy ------- (1996) 1996麻雀变凤凰 Mrs. Winterbourne ------- (1996) Glory Daze ------- (1996) 那些日子以来 Now and Then ------- (1995) 战栗女人香 The Passion of Darkly Noon ------- (1995) The Scout ------- (1994) 摇滚总动员 Airheads ------- (1994) 乞丐博士 With Honors ------- (1994) 金牌天兵 In the Army Now ------- (1994) 梦幻青春 Younger and Younger ------- (1993) 二十美元 Twenty Bucks ------- (1993) 宝贝新官人 Son in Law ------- (1993) 校园风云 School Ties ------- (1992) 沉睡野人 Encino Man ------- (1992) 冤狱Guilty Until Proven Innocent ------- (1991) 春色一箩筐 Dogfight ------- (1991) 魔鬼王子 Child of Darkness, Child of Light ------- (1991)