
2025-03-20 00:38:21

(1868~1936) of the former Soviet Union proletarian writer, the founder of socialist realism literature. He was poor, his father died young, 11-year-old is living in the community about when loader, bakeries workers, slum and terminals has become his "community" university classroom. He and working people shared their fate, and personal experience of capitalist exploitation and oppression. This thinking and creative development of his influential.
  Gorky assiduous self-study and cultural knowledge, and to actively join the revolution, exploring ways to transform the reality of 1892 released maiden work "news Chu Chandra," boarded literary circles, and his early works, a complex on the two styles of realism and romanticism, which he formed before the proletarian world outlook necessarily experienced stage. Romanticism works such as "news Chu Chandra", "Iraq is Gill old" (1895), "Eagle Song" (1895), praising the love of freedom, for the bright and heroic achievements strong personality, and demonstrated the passion for fighting; Realism works such as "Qierqiashen", "having people", "Kenuo CERD", depicting the life and the suffering of the people of noble character who express their indignation and protest. This Most of the leading character of these works is to seek out new life and thinking about the meaning of life and full of intense inner conflict figures. In 1901 he created the famous Sanwenshi "Swallow Song," a symbol of danger revolutionaries give shape wind strike wave of courage Swallow to the image of revolutionary turmoil upcoming notice, and encourage people to the great fighting is a proletarian r The official denunciation of the enemy's fighting with carol by Lenin warm praise.
  In 1901 he created the famous Sanwenshi "Swallow Song," a symbol of danger revolutionaries give shape wind strike wave of courage Swallow to the image of revolutionary turmoil upcoming notice, and encourage people to the great fighting is a proletarian r The official denunciation of the enemy's fighting with carol by Lenin warm praise. On the eve of the revolution in 1905, Gorky creative to the drama, 1901~1905 years, he has written the "ordinary people", The "bottom", "summer visitors", "sun children," and (barbarians "and other scripts. Especially the "public" and "end - "demonstrates real life workers with the new image of the new mental outlook, demonstrated their determination to fight for their rights And optimism, their staged in the Russian composers, raises sensational.
  Gorky from 1906 novel "Mother" and the script "enemy" two most important works -- marks its Chong Reached a new peak. "mother" mold first in the history of the world literature consciously proletarian struggle for socialism Revolutionary hero image, socialist realism is the foundation for literature. Lenin affirmed its relevance. 1905 revolution failed, the United States and Italy Gorky wrote a series of political comment articles from the Western capitalist system Degrees and are in ideology, the various literary reactionary ideologies. 1908 creation novella "repent" revealed idealist God creates, the theory of thinking, serious criticism by Lenin, and the enthusiasm to help him. Nevertheless, the dominant Gorky Tendency remains positive, which is filled with a revolutionary fighting spirit. Creation of new methods of proletarian literature from the theoretical into the OK explore the many proposed combination of realism and romanticism perspective. In between his two creative revolution has yielded fruitful results. Such as "Ms. Love town" (1909), "summer (1909)," Liu Jin Wu Ke hot life "(1910~ 1911), "Italian Tales" (1911~1913), "Russia's" (1912~1917), and later completed The administration of the former two bodies novel trilogy "childhood" and "human" (1913~1916).
  October Revolution after 10 years, because of poor health Gorky, Lenin and some only write on the unique artistic style writer Georgia and the value of important documents and memoirs of a self body of the final trilogy "My University" (1922~1923), "a Orta Rakhmonov's cause "(1924~1925) several films. 1921, he followed Lenin advice abroad to rest and recuperate. After returning in 1931 from 1925 onwards to create interesting Haofan so long discussions with the epic "Mr. Sum The life, "This is a unfinished works. He died in 1936 before he also wrote the "Soviet travel notes" (1929) "English - Story, "and number of peoples playwriting" Yegeer Buleiqiaofu and others "(1932)," Tuosixie Presse, and others "(1933), "Wasa Japan emergence Javier Nova" (1935), as well as a large number of literary and art theory, literary criticism and political comment article on the Marx Of artistic theory and socialist cultural undertakings made a significant contribution.
  Gorky is not only a great writer, but also an outstanding community activist. He had set up the Soviet Writers Association, And presided over a congress of the Soviet Union the first writer, a literary newcomers to participate actively in the defence of the cause of world peace. Gorky's works since 1907 began introducing to China. His outstanding literary works and books bands in the world-off Class common wealth.
中文名: 高尔基
  外文名: Алексей Максимович Пешков
  国籍: 前苏联
  出生地: 下诺夫戈罗德
  出生日期: 1868年3月28日
  逝世日期: 1936年6月18日
  职业: 作家
  代表作品: 《海燕》《童年》《在人间》《我的大学》《母亲》
  名言: 书籍是人类进步的阶梯


  高尔基(1868.3.16―1936.6.18)全名马克西姆·高尔基,原名阿列克赛·马克西莫维奇·彼什科夫,也叫斯克列夫茨基(俄语:Максим Горький,原名:Алексей Максимович Пешков,英语:Maxim Gorky),俄国伟大的无产阶级作家,列宁说他是“无产阶级文学最杰出代表”,社会主义现实主义文学奠基人,无产阶级革命文学导师,前苏联文学的创始人。1868年3月16日出生于俄国伏尔加河畔的下诺夫戈罗德(俄语:Нижний Новгород,英语:Nizhny Novgorod)。为了纪念他,他出生时所在的俄国伏尔加河畔的下诺夫哥罗德城被命名为高尔基城。
  他早年丧父,寄居在经营小染坊的外祖父家。11岁开始独立谋生,其童年和少年时代是在旧社会的底层度过的。高尔基早年的不平凡的经历在他著名的自传体三部曲中作了生动的记述,其中包括《童年》《在人间》和《我的大学》。人间的苦难,生活的辛酸,磨练了他的斗志;他在高尔基繁重劳动之余,勤奋自学不息。对社会底层人民痛苦生活的体验和深切了解成为他创作中永不枯竭的源泉。 1892年,以马克西姆・高尔基(意为最大的痛苦)这个笔名,发表了处女作《马卡尔・楚德拉》。高尔基早期作品中,最有名的浪漫主义短篇《伊则吉尔老婆子》和《鹰之歌》、描写流浪汉生活的代表作《切尔卡什》,都是在1895年发表的。1899年,高尔基完成了第一部长篇小说《福马・高尔杰耶夫》。 1901年,高尔基因参加彼得堡的示威游行而被捕。著名散文诗《海燕》就是他参加这次示威游行后写的,他以这篇豪情洋溢的革命檄文,迎接了20世纪无产阶级的革命风暴。同年,他写了第一个剧本《小市民》,其突出成就是塑造了世界文学史上第一个革命无产者(革命工人尼尔)的形象。1902年,写了剧本《在底层》,它是作者20年观察流浪汉生活的总结,是高尔基戏剧的代表作。在1905年革命形势高涨的岁月里,高尔基作为战士参加了革命运动,他的住宅成为1905年莫斯科武装起义的据点之一。
