
2025-03-25 14:18:23

当大会召集男子3 000米运动员到起跑线集合时,人群开始安静下来。所有的目光都集中在两个运动员身上。马克,夺金牌热门人选,和运动界新秀,吉姆。直到前三个月,他几乎不为人所知晓。但是,他在比赛场上,一场比一场出色。这场比赛将是十分刺激。
后来,录像显示,吉姆并没有做错什么。吉姆去看马克,说: 「我很难过......」



The crowd fell quiet as the starter called the runners in the men’s 3, 000 metres to the starting line. All eyes were on two runners. Mark, the favourite for the gold medal, and a newcomer to the athletic world, Jim. Until three months before, he was hardly known to people. But he was doing much better in one race after another. The race was going to be exciting.
“Bang!” The race started. For the first half, Jim ran with Mark in the leading group. At the 1, 700-metre mark, Jim was leading with Mark in second place about a metre behind. Suddenly Mark fell. Though he tried to get up, his leg hurt and he was out of the race. The angry crowd believed that Jim was responsible for Mark’s falling. They began to shout rude words at him instead of cheering. Jim looked back and slowed down. He went on and finished the race, but it was over for him, too.
Later, the video showed that Jim did nothing wrong. Jim went to see Mark. “I’m sorry for ...”
“It’s not your responsibility. I got cramp in my leg when I was running.” Mark stopped Jim.
The two went on to become good friends and were seen training together.



