kill rate
The on-site simulation experiment demonstrated a 100% cockroach kill rate based on the doseand fumigation duration predicted by the model using sulfuryl fluoride.
Colombia The army, which has supplanted the police in many areas, is accused of murderinghundreds of civilians and dressing them as guerrillas to increase their kill rate.
During the Rwandan genocide, machete-wielding Hutu killers achieved a "kill rate" that surpassed that of the Nazis with their trains, their ovens and other industrial means.
在卢旺达屠杀中,善于使用弯刀的HUTU的屠杀创下了一个记录。 这个记录超过了纳粹使用火车,炉,以及其他工业手段杀戮的手法。
High-energy laser weapons have advantages of being high cost-effective fast response andhigh kill rate, some new technologies of laser weapon, such as laser gun and cannon, are introduced.
On determining whether rodent pest population becomes extinct, the contraception rate, killrate, harvest rate etc have same effect.
Main factors which can effect dynamic kill parameters design were analyzed, and the influencelaw of different factors and different conditions on the dynamic kill rate was required.
In the same discharge parameters, the kill rate of larvae Anemia was lower than adult Anemia's.
All Honor awarded for completing objectives in Battlegrounds and Wintergrasp is actually based on an Honorable Kill conversion rate.
This sink rate will kill me. I've got to get the sink rate under control first.
Fan family's old rate to kill one of broken red, were jubilantly went to the home front.