求一段英语对话:主人邀请朋友去家里吃饭,邀请前,就餐中,就餐后的情景都要描述出来。。大家帮帮忙
邀请:
A:Would
you
like
to
havfe
dinner
with
us
tonight?
B:Oh,
really?It's
my
honor
to
be
there.
A:Ok.
will
see
you
at
o'clock
tonight.
B:Ok.
客人来到主人家
A:Hello!Welcome
to
my
home.
Come
in,
please!
B:Thank
you.
就餐中
A:Help
yourself!
B:Emmm...It's
delicious!
Who
cooked
it?
A:It's
my
father.
can't
believe
it.
You
said
you
father
didn't
know
how
to
cook.
A:Haha,
it's
my
mother.
My
mom
cooked
it.
B:Great!
I'll
have
more.
A:
Good.
就餐后
B:Thank
you
for
your
dinner.
like
it
very
much.
A:It's
good
you
like
it.If
you
like,
you
can
come
to
my
house
more.
B:Thank
you
very
much.
A:You're
welcome.
B:Let
me
see...It's
8:15,
and
have
to
go
back
home
now.
Good
bye!
写的一般,不过都是一字一句敲上去滴~呵呵