哦 还有就是,几天前帮我指导的ABC天卞英语的教师才和我提过 其实想学会英语很简单的。绝对要有一个适宜的学习情境及熟练口语对象,重点就是老师教学经验,发音纯正很重要 坚持天天口语沟通 1&1家教式教学才能有.好.的进步幅度..完成课堂后仍要重听课堂录音档,来进一步深化知识~实在是真的无对象可练习的环境 就到旺旺或沪江得到课余教材研习,多说多练很快的口语能力会提高起来,整体效果是必定最佳的!I was Jerry, I had a very full weekend .Last urday my stomach hurt , because I saw the delicious ice cream, accidentally eat too much, and ate junk food. Sunday I became a volunteer. In the morning, I teached kids sang and danced, we are very happy. In the afternoon, I cleaned the park, help people with disabilities Crossing the road, and they thanked me, I was as happy like ate honey.