东都大世界美食街地处广州市商业繁华的环市东路475号地段, 是广州市现今为止颇具规模、聚集各地美食品种最多、最具特色的一条集美食、商贸、休闲、度假、健身、娱乐、培训为一体的大型美食商业街。这区各餐厅环境舒适、口味地道、消费经济、一味一家, 真可谓是"食在广州"之现代版缩影。
The Dongdu Gourmet Street
Characteristic: Snacks in Sichuan and Hunan Style
Address: Huanshi Road East
The Dongdu Gourmet Street is located in the busy commercial area. It is the busiest catering and commercial street, providing all kinds of foods and business services such as training, gym, leisure, and entertainments. The restaurants are characterized by the tasty food, amiable environment, fair price and different styles.
环市东国际商务美食区依托林立的星级酒店和商务写字楼, 区内餐饮企业300多家。此处中外美食荟萃, 有韩国、日本、越南、新加坡、意大利、法国、泰国以及国内南北美食。这里环境优美, 配套完善, 整体感觉时尚, 以高中档消费为主, 已形成了传统与新派粤菜并举, 国内菜系云集, 中西美食荟萃的国际化商务美食区。
Huanshi Road East International Business & Catering Area
Characteristic: middle and high-end food
Address: Huanshi Road East
Huanshi Road (E) International Business & Catering Area is surrounded by numbers of luxury hotels and office buildings, creating a foundation of being a high-end catering. There are more than 300 restaurants, providing dishes in local and foreign style. The different styles are from Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Italy, France, Thailand and different provinces of China.
流花美食街区依托东风路的写字楼、中国出口商品交易会(流花馆)以及流花湖公园、越秀公园优美的环境等优势, 以园林式建筑为特点, 酒家的菜式以岭南传统佳肴和高档菜式为主, 既突出了东方饮食文化的色、香、味、形, 又吸取了西方饮食文化注重餐饮氛围的特点。
The Liuhua Gourmet Street
Characteristic: Cantonese Food mainly
Address: Intersection of Panfu Road, Renmin Road (N)
The Liuhua Gourmet Street is based on the surrounding office buildings, China Export Commodity Fair, and together with the beautiful environments of Liuhua Lake Party and Yuexiu Park. The restaurants are famous for their traditional Cantonese dishes and other high-end dishes. It is outstanding in presenting the dishes in color, aroma, taste and integrate these elements into the catering environment.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) was created by the Act of Union 1800 and constitutes the greater part of the British Isles, a group of islands lying off the northwest coast of Europe. The largest of the islands is Great Britain, which comprises England, Wales and Scotland. Next largest is Ireland, comprising Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, and, in the south, the Republic of Ireland.
Culture in the United Kingdom is rich and diverse, with a strong tradition of literature, theatre, popular and orchestral music and the performing arts. These, together with collections in UK museums and galleries, act as a magnet for overseas visitors and make a substantial contribution to the economy. According to economic estimates made by the Department for Culture,Media and Sport (DCMS), the creative industries accounted for nearly 8 per cent of UK gross domestic product in 2000, and provided nearly 2 million jobs in December 2001. Colour brochures are available here on various aspects of UK culture, including the arts, architecture, dance, the visual arts, and literature 。