Topic: note the cultural differences between Chinese and American conflict resolution reflects "the Joy Luck Club" relationship between mother and daughter: no more than
论文paper; thesis; dissertation; treatise; discourse
题目title; subject; exercise problems; examination questions; rubric
解析analysis; resolution; resolve; analyze
关系relationship; relation; nexus; filiation
冲突conflict; collision; clash; collide; collide with
折射refraction; refracting; refringence; refingency; anacampsis
文化差异cultural difference
不能cannot; unable; must not; should not; be incapable of
超过exceed; outnumber; outstrip; pass; excess
An Analysis on Sino-America Cultural Differences Reflected from the Confict of Mother-Daughter Relationship in The Joy Luck Club
An Analysis on the Sino-America Cultural Differences Reflected from the Mother-Daughter Conficts in The Joy Luck Club
The Analysis on Culture Conflict and Integration in The Joy Luck Club