Manatees are large, fully aquatic and mostly herbivorous marine mammals .Sometimes they known as sea cows. They measure up to 3.6 metres (12 ft)), and have paddle-like flippers. The name manati meaning "breast".
Half a manatee's day is spent sleeping in the water, Some of then live up to 60 years.They are good swimmer.Manatees are capable of understanding discrimination tasks, and show signs of complex associated learning and advanced long term memory. They demonstrate complex discrimination and task-learning similar to dolphins and pinnipeds in acoustic and visual studies.
Manatees typically breed once every two years. Only a single calf is born at a time and aside from mothers with their young or males following a receptive female, manatees are generally solitary creatures.
The main causes of death for the sea cows are human-related issues, habitat destruction, human objects, and natural causes such as temperatures and diseases.Therefor,to preserve the species alll three species of manatee are listed by the World Conservation Union as vulnerable to extinction to preserve the species.