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鞍山远通公司网站推广分析与优化论文编号:YX024 字数:15373,页数:27 有外文翻译 摘 要
随着互联网技术发展,建立网站正变得越来越简单,但是网站推广却越来越难了。目前,企业建立网站的热情很高,但对网站推广的策略掌握不多,网站建成后没有足够的访问量,无法达到企业建站的目的,这是很多企业建立网站遇到的最大的问题。对此,笔者认为,当前企业网站成功营销要考虑的问题是,如何建立起一个差异化的、有鲜明个性的网站,并根据公司的优势,开展有针对性的网站推广,努力提高公司网站知名度。本文首先介绍了论文的选题背景及写作目的,还有中小企业网站推广的现状和存在的普遍问题以及网站推广和网站优化的相关理论知识。然后介绍了鞍山远通公司及其网站概况,并对该公司网站的页面结构、网站推广功能和网站维护管理等方面存在的问题进行分析。最后提出了一些优化企业网站推广的建议:例如在网站的页面结构上,要优化网页设计,消除网页翻屏现象,合理组织网站信息;在网站功能上,加强网站的交互性与参与性,以及列出多种方法完善网站推广的功能,例如:搜索引擎优化,建立友情链接,发布网络广告等;在企业网站的管理与维护上,发现并修改无效链接,及时更新和完善网站信息,网站升级等。希望本文能对远通公司网站的推广优化工作提供理论和实践上的参考和借鉴,对公司未来的营销起到促进作用。关键词:网站推广;网络营销;网站优化 The Analysis and Optimization of Website Promotion for Anshan Yuantong Company
With the rapid development of Internet technology, setting up an e-business online is getting easer and easer, however, how to promote the website becomes more and more difficult. Nowadays, companies are eager to set up a website, but they do not know too much about the web promotion strategies so that the website traffic fails to reach their original target, which is the big problem for Chinese companies to set up their websites. For this, I think the problem of doing a website business successfully for a company is how to set up a differentiate website, and how to stimulate website traffic, and then how to expand relative web Promotion, and how to enhance the reputation of the company. Firstly, this paper introduces the current situation and problem of website promotion in China and related theory. Secondly, this paper makes a brief introduction of Anshan Yuantong Company and situation of its website building. At the same time, the article also analyzes the present problems about structure of web page, function of website promotion and management of website. Finally, this paper gives some useful suggestions to optimize the website promotion. As for the structure of web page, we can improve the design of web page to eliminate the page-turning phenomenon. About the function of website, strengthening the participation and interaction between different website, as well as listing sorts of methods to prefect the website promotion function are the best ways. Regard to the management and maintenance of website, the best suggestions are mending ineffective interlinks, perfecting website information and getting an upgrade of website. I hope this paper can give Anshan Yuantong Company theoretical and practical helps in its website promotion which will improve its future business.Key words: Website Promotion; E-Marketing; Website optimization
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1选题背景及写作目的 1
1.2中小企业网站营销与推广的现状分析 1
1.3中小企业网站推广普遍存在的问题 2
2网站推广的相关理论介绍 4
2.1网站推广的涵义 4
2.2网站推广的重要性 4
2.3网站推广的方法 4
2.4网站推广的原则 4
3网站优化的相关理论介绍 6
3.1网站优化的涵义 6
3.2网站优化的主要内容 6
3.3网站优化设计的涵义 6
3.4网站优化的目的 7
3.5网站优化设计的原则 7
4鞍山远通公司网站介绍及分析 8
4.1鞍山远通公司简介 8
4.2远通公司网站主页结构及内容介绍 9
4.3远通公司网站推广存在问题分析 11
4.3.1网站页面结构设计中存在的问题 11
4.3.2网站页面功能设计中存在的问题 12
4.3.3网站管理上存在的问题 12
5鞍山远通公司网站推广的优化 13
5.1企业网站页面结构设计的优化 13
5.1.1优化网页设计 13
5.1.2消除网页翻屏现象 13
5.1.3合理组织网站信息 13
5.2企业网站功能的优化 13
5.2.1加强网站的交互性和参与性 13
5.2.2完善网站推广的功能 15
5.3加强企业网站的维护和管理 17
5.3.1发现并修改失效链接 17
5.3.2及时更新信息内容 18
5.3.3保证网站内容的完整 18
5.3.4不断升级网站 18
结论 20
致谢 21
参考文献 22以上回答来自: http://www.lwtxw.com/html/59-2/2083.htm