
2024-01-16 22:09:01

In "For Whom the Bell Tolls", the Hemingway's unique artistic style specific performance: He used a series of distinctive artistic expression of time and space to create a new narrative structure. Hemingway called this the most ambitious full-length masterpiece, its events occurred at a time is extremely limited (only within 3 days of seventy hours); its very narrow space (in addition to the Golds Andre outside the headquarters of messenger limited to guerrilla activities in Guyana Dama above a valley) whose Zhuyaorenwu one of the few (only a small group of guerrillas, and a volunteer.) However, the use of a unique time and space of the art of handling the work content of the richness and complexity of the characters reached its unprecedented height. A Hemingway used to think: writers should be past, present, and future know what to write, live, and practical than the existing and more real. In writing, he faithfully fulfilled this principle, accurately grasp the natural space-time, real space and psychological space-time relationship between the 3. He is based in natural space, through the amplification and expansion into reality time and space, an extension to the inner person, it is necessary psychological space. He created his main spatial and temporal scales, that is good at using a scale to measure intrinsic objects. In this work, he used more than ever, effective and unique artistic approach, fully demonstrated the value of people and the meaning of life; he real, historical, moral, psychological and cultural factors as financial one, showing a high overall comprehensive ability. Many commentators have said "Whom the Bell Tolls," "almost reached the epic scale of" 1. The art of blending the handling of space and time: space-time blending the material world exists objectively as the basic form, it is based on the sequence of a certain continuation of the dynamic (that time) and up and down around the static relationship between things (the space) to show their real existence. Time and space but as works of art blend, blend time and space than in reality more complex, more abstract, "Whom the Bell Tolls" at the time of treatment on a combination of these factors, therefore, it can in a limited horizontal space Q (figures and the relationship between them) and longitudinal section of the limited time (various contradictions between the characters change, the development process) in the capacity of major historical themes, demonstrating the profound social content. In "For Whom the Bell Tolls," this works, Hemingway always the main character in the space-time cross into the surface of social life and history among the longitudinal section, through the lives of both surface and deep description, and often melt into the main body of the author's own imagination. He broke the people's natural time series and spatial boundaries, the figures of history, reality, the future integration, the people, human and material contradictions between the complex and inextricably linked to kink into a net: time as "by the" performance of events, the characters for "Wei" the formation of the Conflict, and these conflicts and contradictions based on mutual interdependence in the form of work have emerged. In "For Whom the Bell Tolls," to characterize people in space, its range is relatively small, but because of the good at figures and into the change, the development of the longitudinal section of time, so the contradiction between people and contact is quite complex, which broke through the space constraints. Conflicting groups on the contradictions, the contradiction between Jordan and Pablo is the Jibenmaodun throughout the entire novel. The opposite is the process of transformation before and after the two sides in Zhaqiao specific time to start a series of conflicts, and its plot development is concentrated through several time periods and the formation of "a gentle easing tension in a tight one," the waves of type motion curve layers of propulsion. Jutilaishui, Jordan has experienced no confidence in the Pablo hesitate to hate Yusha, to Yusha without killing these stages. And the coexistence of these contradictions as well as Pablo and all the guerrillas, Bi Laer and Pablo, guerrillas and Bi Laer all of these contradictions.


In for whom the bell tolls "in, Hemingway's unique artistic style specific performance: he used a series of originality space-time artistic expression, and created a new narrative structure form. This is the most magnificent full-length Hemingway masterpiece, the event of time limited (for three days of seventy hours), Its activity space very narrow (except Andre to gore this letter outside, confined to guerrilla headquarters of the scepter of horse of the activities of a valley) its main characters above a few (only a small fraction of the guerilla and a volunteer). However, the author USES unique space-time processing technique to make work content art the richness and complexity of characters has reached its unprecedented height. Hemingway self-consistent thinks: the writers should have the past and present, know and future write things live, and than the existing and actual more true. In creation, he faithfully fulfilled this principle, accurately grasp the natural space-time, the real time and space and psychological space-time 3 person. The relation between his with natural spacetime as the foundation, through the amplifier and expanding into reality, and to space-time within characters outspread, dig psychological spacetime. He himself create the subject's temporal-spatial scales, namely, is good at with an inner inherent measure object. In this work, he used than ever more effective and more unique artistic techniques, which expresses characters of value and meaning of life, He put the reality and historical, morality, psychological and cultural factors melts into a body, showed an extremely high overall comprehensive ability. Many critics call for whom the bell tolls, "" reached almost epic scale"realistic existence. But as works of art in the space-time blend, far better than reality time-space blend more complicated, abstract, for whom the bell tolls "in time on the processing of integrated the many factors, therefore, it can in limited transverse empty asked (characters and their relationship between) and limited longitudinal time (characters between various contradictions changes, development process) hold major historical subjects, showing the broad and profound social content. In for whom the bell tolls of the works, Ernest Hemingway, always put in spatio-temporal subject characters into social life of horizontal plane and history of longitudinal section in, through the life of the surface and deep in two ways, description, and often melts into the author's own subject imagination. He broke the characters of natural time series and space, the boundary of the history, reality and figure in the future is an organic whole, the human and the human, between people and things complicated contradiction and counless connection snarling into a net: in time" classics "performance events development, take people as" weft "formation, and these contradictions conflict imbroglio in conflict and interdependent form in works shown.restrictions. Just conflict several groups of contradiction speaking, Jordan and pablo contradiction is throughout the whole novel basic contradictions. Its opposition parties in the process of transferring is Fried bridge before and after the specific time by a series of contradiction conflict launch, and the plot development is through several periods of enrichment and form "gentle nervous a gentle a nervous" stir type sports curve lay advance. Specifically, Jordan pablo experienced distrust to hesitate to hate to kill, arrive again to kill and did not kill this several stages. With these contradictions also coexist and pablo and the guerrillas, Pilate lal and pablo, all the guerrillas and Pilate lal these a few of contradictions.


In for whom the bell tolls "in, Hemingway's unique artistic style specific performance: he used a series of originality space-time artistic expression, and created a new narrative structure form. This is the most magnificent full-length Hemingway masterpiece, the event of time limited (for three days of seventy hours), Its activity space very narrow (except Andre to gore this letter outside, confined to guerrilla headquarters of the scepter of horse of the activities of a valley) its main characters above a few (only a small fraction of the guerilla and a volunteer). However, the author USES unique space-time processing technique to make work content art the richness and complexity of characters has reached its unprecedented height. Hemingway self-consistent thinks: the writers should have the past and present, know and future write things live, and than the existing and actual more true. In creation, he faithfully fulfilled this principle, accurately grasp the natural space-time, the real time and space and psychological space-time 3 person. The relation between his with natural spacetime as the foundation, through the amplifier and expanding into reality, and to space-time within characters outspread, dig psychological spacetime. He himself create the subject's temporal-spatial scales, namely, is good at with an inner inherent measure object. In this work, he used than ever more effective and more unique artistic techniques, which expresses characters of value and meaning of life, He put the reality and historical, morality, psychological and cultural factors melts into a body, showed an extremely high overall comprehensive ability. Many critics call for whom the bell tolls, "" reached almost epic scale"realistic existence. But as works of art in the space-time blend, far better than reality time-space blend more complicated, abstract, for whom the bell tolls "in time on the processing of integrated the many factors, therefore, it can in limited transverse empty asked (characters and their relationship between) and limited longitudinal time (characters between various contradictions changes, development process) hold major historical subjects, showing the broad and profound social content. In for whom the bell tolls of the works, Ernest Hemingway, always put in spatio-temporal subject characters into social life of horizontal plane and history of longitudinal section in, through the life of the surface and deep in two ways, description, and often melts into the author's own subject imagination. He broke the characters of natural time series and space, the boundary of the history, reality and figure in the future is an organic whole, the human and the human, between people and things complicated contradiction and counless connection snarling into a net: in time" classics "performance events development, take people as" weft "formation, and these contradictions conflict imbroglio in conflict and interdependent form in works shown.restrictions. Just conflict several groups of contradiction speaking, Jordan and pablo contradiction is throughout the whole novel basic contradictions. Its opposition parties in the process of transferring is Fried bridge before and after the specific time by a series of contradiction conflict launch, and the plot development is through several periods of enrichment and form "gentle nervous a gentle a nervous" stir type sports curve lay advance. Specifically, Jordan pablo experienced distrust to hesitate to hate to kill, arrive again to kill and did not kill this several stages. With these contradictions also coexist and pablo and the guerrillas, Pilate lal and pablo, all the guerrillas and Pilate lal these a few of contradictions.


World Folk Music
World on how many kinds of music? This is a very difficult question to answer. The easiest answer can be Chinese music and foreign music, or is instrumental and vocal, but it seems too simplistic, not illustrate the problem. If the countries of the world there are more than 100 kinds of music. But the problem is that some countries, though different, but basically the same music, and some Although it is one country, the internal race, ethnicity, culture vary greatly, the music is often very different ...

Latin American music
Latin America including Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean, this region contains a rich cultural and musical heritage. Central America and parts of the Amazon basin Indians living in lowland areas; Mexico, Guatemala, the lives of aboriginal Andes; the Caribbean, Ecuador, Guyana, French Guinea, Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil, non-Northeast American, as well as scattered in South America speak Spanish and Portuguese immigrant, and their different but it is also controlled by the Latin American unity and the development of folk music.

Asia-Pacific countries Music
Music for its own expressions, tone, intensity, and to the use and control of many of these is the oriental music very seriously. Asian Music Another common feature is not sensitive clever use of a certain pitch Hitting instruments. Whether in the East or the West point of view, the goal of the same music we are the common pursuit. We should be talking about integration rather than impact. Allow integration of different traditions into a new mainstream, all the music will be integrated into the concept of a huge tide of the music. But we also need to identify every culture in order to maintain its identity.

Indian music
Thoughts on the music of India in the world of folk music in the 100 Garden, Indian music is a kind of a long history and rich tradition, distinctive music, in its several hundred years of British colonial rule did not assimilation, in very difficult conditions compared and the preservation of integrity. But also some European instruments will be further assimilation of India's musical instruments, which can not but say that the history of human culture is a miracle, so why can not but arouse people to think deeply.

European folk music
Europe's Iberian Peninsula Spain, Portugal music, Western music on the one hand and the same with the general common, on the other hand, the legacy of the ethnic music of the impact of unique. Both the scale, melody or rhythm, harmony, singing and voice, in many ways have shown the rest of Europe are not factors. Particularly its rhythm, a lot of three beat of music, but not as monotonous Waltz, but more delicate and more dynamic.

Celtic music
Celtic traditional music is song-based, and to express the love and heroic legend mainly spend a huge amount of quickstep dance and dance tunes played rotary instrument. Linked to a series of musical instruments, like the drum-like handheld Poncelet amid drum and a wide range of instruments in solo or small portfolio often been used by musicians. Modern Celtic music from the New Age types are a major impact, and in the pop and rock is the influence of two ways.


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