雅尼,全球闻名的演奏家、作曲家,两度被格莱美奖提名,其作品在过去十年中一直是奥林匹克运动会广播音乐的最爱。在连续完成了雅典卫城,中国紫禁城,印度泰姬陵音乐会后,终于推出了最新专辑“If I Could Tell You” - 一次直击心灵的音乐旅程。
与Linda Evans在Oprah Winfrey show中登场是雅尼一生的巨大转折点.之后雅尼的事业蒸蒸日上.从纽约Radio City Music Hall的演出开始,他的音乐会通过电视先后在65个国家播放,1998年的"Tribute"在全美巡演总排行中位列第二.但那些不堪回首的日子却教会雅尼许多东西,使他一直受益至今.“回顾过往,我了解到我学到了许多准则,让我可以集中意志以使创作顺利进行.没有人会教给你这些,只有用心体验生活才能获得.”
合。Yanni 的作品将高雅的古典交响乐与绚
完美的爱人)《I Love You Perfect》是19
中,偷得半日闲来聆听Yanni的音乐, 也许
Yanni 不愿被纳入任何流派,他独创着一般
A Glimpse Into Yanni's Life and Career
He was born in a picturesque village that no one ever gave thought to leaving, and he's now known in every corner of the globe. Yanni is, without a doubt, a musical phenomenon, one of those rare artists whose music defies borders and boundaries - whose music speaks to people of all races, all nations. And there is more than ample evidence to support such statements.
How many artists have become the favored composer of every Olympic broadcast for the past decade? Sold-out Radio City Music Hall for ten dates? Played in the shadow of the Taj Mahal, the Forbidden City and the Parthenon? Toured China and more than twenty other nations? Had a TV special seen in 65 countries by half a billion people, was one of the top fundraising artists for PBS, and released what became the #2 best-selling music video of all time? Mounted the #1-ranked concert tour for 1998, and #2 for the entire year even though he did not tour for the second half?
Yanni has always charted a solitary and distinctive path. A champion swimmer and self-taught pianist with the gift of perfect pitch, he left the comforts of Kalamata, Greece, on the spectacular shores of the deep blue Mediterranean, and then began to fashion his own kind of American success story, later to become an international success story.
After graduating from the University of Minnesota with a B.A. in psychology, after trading the Grecian sunshine for frosty winters, he would seek a life in music, though he could not read a note and wrote wholly original works that, then and now, defy categorizing. From the beginning, he operated with a simple creed: a faith in hard work and keeping an open mind.
Yanni's first Grammy-nominated album was Dare to Dream (1992), which produced the vocal single "Aria," popularized by an award-winning British Airways commercial. His following album, In My Time, a gentler collection of piano-focused pieces, was also nominated for a Grammy Award and attained Platinum status. In 1994 Yanni achieved a personal triumph when he returned to his Greek homeland and recorded an album at the 2,000-year-old Herod Atticus Theatre in Athens. The result, Yanni: Live At The Acropolis, would be a sensation. It has almost continuously remained on the charts since its release, sold more than seven million copies worldwide, earned more than 35 platinum and gold albums, and risen to becoming one of the best-selling music videos of all time.
How to follow the unprecedented success of Live At The Acropolis? By becoming the first major Western Artist ever to perform and record at India's Taj Mahal and China's Forbidden City, resulting in the multi-platinum album Tribute. This is an artist who invested millions of dollars into the project before a single sound was recorded, whose organization mounted a near biblical effort with the regional of Uttar Pradesh to improve roads and build two bridges in order that the flood plains surrounding the Taj Mahal could be transformed for three historic concerts beneath one of the world's greatest wonders. While allowing India's citizens to see a musical performance in front of the country's signature structure, Tribute ultimately led to three million dollars in donations to a Taj preservation fund. The recording of Tribute proceeded to China, where Yanni staged a new historic feat at another of the world's great architectural achievements, The Forbidden City. Between India and China, Yanni played to a collective audience of 250 million people. In 2000 Yanni released his first studio album in seven years, If I Could Tell You, an introspective and deeply personal project which came in the wake of a two-year sabbatical, a move to the east coast of the U.S., and other changes which refocused his life and his life's work.
Yanni is an artist that crosses all demographics in his appeal. Recently he returned to PBS with a new television special, Live At Royal Albert Hall, London, offering not only a spectacular concert appearance in this historic venue, but also the first glimpse into his family home in Greece and recording studio in Florida.
In February 2003, Virgin Records released Ethnicity, his 13th album and third on Virgin. Extending the "One World, One People" philosophy that has been the hallmark of his career, Ethnicity offers an upbeat collection of tracks that pulse with the rhythms and voices of cultures around the globe. Its instrumentation is equally diverse: from the aboriginal depth of the Australian didgeridoo … to the haunting tone of the Armenian duduk … to Celtic-flavored violin … to the percussive plunk of the Indian tabla … the album brims with international flavor. "Many of the world's cultures and musical genres are represented on this album. It has a lot of ethnic color - in other words, it has ethnicity," says Yanni. "Ethnicity has to do with race and culture, and - in the way I use it for this album - the color and beauty of a multicultural society."
One element distinguishing Ethnicity from previous albums is the extensive use of human voices, not only solo arias and group chants, but also bona fide lyrics, a rare departure for the artist. "The Promise," for example, is an adaptation of an earlier composition, "Secret Vows," featuring lyrics from longtime friend Pamela McNeill and soulfully sung by Alfreda Gerald, a member of Yanni's Tribute tour. The album's final track reflects his own cultural heritage with a traditional Greek island folk song, "Jivaeri."
After a five-year break from touring, Yanni began an ambitious 2003/04 tour in March, 2003, opening at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, and featuring many of his new compositions and spotlighting the talents of solo musicians the world over along with his core band and symphony orchestra. The month before his tour opened, Miramax Books published Yanni's autobiography, a story that spans his fascinating and inspirational life: from his childhood in Greece to his college years in Minnesota to his success as an international music artist. The memoir, written in collaboration with David Rensin, also includes deeply personal details including his intense nine-year relationship with actress Linda Evans.
"I've been asked to write a book on many occasions but I was always focused first and foremost on my music and my career," said Yanni. "For the past few years I've had more of an opportunity to think deeply about life…I have tasted and felt so many things in my life and been welcomed all over the world. I have surpassed the wildest dreams I ever had as a child. I thought now was the right time to talk about it. What better reason to write a book? I am grateful to Miramax for this opportunity."
"Music," says Yanni, "is an incredibly direct language. It bypasses language and logic, and speaks directly to your soul." It is this notion that inspired the boy who began his musical career by giving recitals before family members in a seaside village, and who has since been communicating on a global level that few of his peers can match.
写的很有意思 呵呵
Yanni 雅尼
与Vangelis一样,Yanni也是个多产的天才音乐家。他1954年诞生于希腊的Kalamata,高中后便前往美国Minnesota大学进修。在大学期间自学键盘、作曲、制作,并加入Private Music,尽展其音乐天赋,一鸣惊人,是Private Music有史以来销量最好的艺人。整个80~90年代,他一直活跃不息,发行过超过30张专辑,而且全都水平不俗。在AMG All Music网站上,仅五星满分的专辑他就有两张,四星以上的更近十张。无论这个评分可信度如何,这个傲视群雄的纪录都足以说明他在新世纪音乐界不可替代的重要地位。不仅如此,Yanni先后于英国皇家艾伯音乐厅(Royal Albert Hall)、雅典帕拉农神殿、埃及狮身人面像、印度泰姬陵、中国紫禁城等世界名胜古迹举办音乐会,这样的创举不仅在新世纪音乐界中是绝无仅有的,即使在其他领域也鲜有匹敌者。洋溢着魅力和感染力的音乐,令无数人如痴如醉,充分领略到新世纪音乐的美妙。
雅尼简介2006-08-18 11:43简介:
雅尼,当今最伟大的New Age大师,全球闻名的演奏家、作曲家,两度被格莱美奖提名,其作品在过去十年中一直是奥林匹克运动会广播音乐的最爱。