工作经历: Work experience :
2006/04--2006/12:沈阳东联日用品有限公司济南分公司 2006/04--2006/12 : Jinan, Shenyang branch of the East Alliance goods Ltd.
KA部 系统管理和门店销售 KA System Management and retailing
负责与超市采购协商商品促销、 产品陈列 、货款回收 Supermarket consultations with the procurement of goods marketing, product display, the money recovered
负责门店产品销售 促销员管理 Sales Promoters responsible retailing sales management
2005/04--2005/11:济南法因数控有限公司 NC Company Act because : Jinan 2005/04--2005/11
办公室 系统管理员/网络管理员 Office Systems Administrator / Network Manager
负责公司内部计算机与网络的无故障运行. Responsible for the company's internal computer network and failure-free operation.
2004/10--2005/03:上海沪光电工有限公司 2004/10--2005/03 photoelectric work : Shanghai and Shanghai Ltd.
销售部 销售代表 The sales represent sales
负责江苏地区的经销商的维护与管理,反馈销售信息. Jiangsu responsible for the maintenance and management of dealers in the region, sales of feedback information.
自我评价: Self-evaluation :
Honest, warm, serious and responsible work. Mulling good at will to others, and teamwork.
Work experience
04/2006-12/2006, Jinan Branch of Shenyang Donglian Commodity Co., Ltd
Department of KA
System management and Shop Sailing