O Henry's life and creation time, is developing rapidly American capitalism and go on the imperialist stage of capitalism, the highly centralized, the lower people's lives increasingly poor, and in the face of such real life American text, from Romanticism early transition gradually austere realism. As born in the typical historical environment of realism and humanitarian writer, O Henry is rooted in life and face the reality of the. But the trend of popular culture becoming vulgar and curry favour by claptrap social reality also let writers recognize, publishers and magazine boss need to mass culture curious stories, jokes and even vulgar society gossip, is the end to surprise, give a person happy fast food culture. Art for the survival, to the pursuit of art, it will force the writer in the novel writing technique with some effort, to against the demand for skills training to adapt to. This steering results and adaptation of creation, art is a brand-new o. Henry style. 1, soluble and criticism as curve display realistic writer O Henry, in his short novels mainly lies in the criticism, even suffering little description of characters, or the performance of human virtue their affliction, or expose them deep-rooted bad habits, is also aimed at exposing and criticizing capitalism social reality. Social reality requires him to try various devices to use euphemism, to cater to the publisher and editorial requirements and through the examination of system level. Marx once pointed out: "now a batch of outstanding novelist, they vividly described the book reveals to the world political and social in their superior truth, than all the politicians, statesmen and occupation moralist in more with the" (5), o. Henry as American critical realistic writer in this respect, wisdom, courage and artistic achievement, can Pi Mei and the writer. O Henry is good at creating the structure of the novel, can make originally appears to be flat, thin story plot, by increasing the swing of the characters and broaden the story for the novel brought changes, let readers have a kind of aesthetic surprise, will change unpredictably aesthetic moment into the reader's mind, comedy and tragedy is the combination of to achieve the unity of form, the writer's skill is a covert critical curve. The characters in his novels the characters often comic make sacrifice oneself, want to do good but get the opposite of what one wants, causing the tragedy. However, often humorous performance of the hero in the tragic experience Out of the Blue revealed the human, thus has the comedy. In the "two gentlemen" Thanksgiving in the peel and "police and hymn" in the soapy, this is the year of youth, American millions of the ranks of the unemployed suffer hunger and cold, struggling in the line between life and death, this is their common tragedy, social tragedy. But their tragedy is the relatively independent comic form: a prominent hunger, another prominent cold, yet in the end are the same, a death, a prison, the novel also returns to the tragic ending. The writer not only make use of comedy to show Men's feelings are changeable., is good at with the tragedy revealed non humanity; not only good at comedy deepened tragedy infection, but also good at permeability of comedy in tragedy. The comedy of the forms to express the tragic content, the tragic story to contrast with the effect of the combination of comedy, comedy and tragic, formed the dialectics of O Henry's artistic creation, aesthetic counter function, received the pungent satire and subtle critical effect, this is the magical writer writing technique skills.