
2025-02-23 01:28:23

[14] Frank Plastria,Emilio Carrizosa. Optimal location and design of a competitive facility[J]. Mathematical Programming, 2004,100(2):58-64
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Chain retail enterprises logistics operation mode selection decision-making Research
Frank Plastria,Emilio Carrizosa.
Chain operator, is the world's most important retail format, but also to the main force of China's retail industry. Logistics and distribution chain management has clearly become a focus of corporate management. At present, China's logistics and distribution chain operator mode selection relatively simple, uniform distribution is low, reaching less than scale. Distribution by many scholars to be in the process of distribution center location, distribution, route planning, inventory management, picking paths and other aspects of management information systems research accordingly, but to study the distribution pattern of chain enterprises and the choice is still very less, in fact, a large degree of influence of its corporate and distribution performance. In response to these conditions on the chain of logistics and distribution business model analysis and research and made the following recommendations:
(1) the use of scientific selection method, a variety of active research. Good million supermarket chains should be in the investigation of the environment, on the basis of their ability to use scientific decision-making methods, the optimal choice. In the choice of mode of qualitative plus quantitative methods can be fully considered.
(2) positive change in management thinking. Good thousand supermarkets should change the traditional ideas, large and small but complete, always witnessed and was not conducive to good development of supermarket chains million. Good million of their own needs should be based on the selection and development of current distribution model for their own development, and delivery mode with time and business needs change.
(3) for a wide range of cooperation, a good thousand chain operator to try to implement a common distribution with other companies, sharing of resources. The scale of the local supermarket chain is not large, the cost of self-built large distribution centers, so the small supermarket chain in the distribution should be positive with other retail chains to cooperate, the data show that the joint distribution allows the distribution 20% cost reduction. But this requires the cooperation of participating companies have a strong sense and spirit of cooperation, many enterprises in China, is not very strong sense of cooperation, which is required of chain enterprises continue to run through mutual cooperation, and ultimately achieve a win-win model.
(4) adopt a distribution model-based, supplemented by a mixture of distribution model. Distribution chain outsourcing companies is considered an inevitable development, but third-party logistics development in China lags behind, it will completely outsource distribution chain for some enterprises will encounter some difficulties. China's logistics enterprises are developing, but the chain operator can not wait for third-party logistics development in China. As the international division of labor is getting smaller, distribution outsourcing business for many companies to focus on their own is a general trend. Chain operator at this stage to consider the distribution of some specialized outsourcing in order to focus on their business enterprises.

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