Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim total1 As Integer
Dim discount1 As Single
Dim pay1 As Single
total1 = Val(fish.Text) + Val(vegetable.Text) + Val(sugar.Text)
total.Text = total1
Select Case total1
Case 0 To 199
discount1 = 0.05
Case 200 To 299
discount1 = 0.15
Case 300 To 399
discount1 = 0.25
Case 400 To 499
discount1 = 0.35
Case Is >= 500
discount1 = 0.4
End Select
discount.Text = Format(discount1, "0.00")
pay1 = total1 * (1 - discount1)
pay.Text = Format(pay1, "0.00")
End Sub
其中fish.text vegetable.Text sugar.Text total.Text discount.text pay.text都是文本框。