
还有求具体报某一站时的英文...就是什么The next station is……
2025-01-30 01:26:20

地铁2号线上因为下一站是北京站崇文门和建国门是这样:The next station is Beijing railway station , please get readly for your arrival and make sure all belong of you。
地铁2号线下一站是宣武门时是这样:The next station is XUANWUMEN , please get readly for your arrival XUANWUMEN is a transfer station, passengers for line 4 ,please prepare to get off the train.
地铁 13号线到达西直门站是这样The next station is xizhimen,the terminal of the train.Please get ready for your arrival.and make sure you have all your belongings with you. xizhimen is a transfer station,passengers for Line2,or Line4,please prepare to get off the train.
地铁 13号线 西直门发车时是这样:Welcome to subway line 13 This train is bound for DONGZHIMEN.The next station is DAZHONGSI,please get ready for your arrival.The door on the right side will be used.Please keep clear of the door。
地铁 13号线 五道口 是这样:Welcome to subway line 13 The next station is WUDAOKOU,please get ready for your arrival.
你可以到百度视频上搜索“北京地铁”,或者具体站名例如“北京地铁 崇文门”或者“北京地铁电音”就可以搜到相关音频了。


This train travels counter-clockwise to its Fuchengmen and fuxingmen. The next station is Xi Zhi Men, Xizhimen is a transfer station, passengers for line 4 and line 13, please get ready for your arrival. The platform is very busy, please let passengers exit first.