请问需要加工么? Do you need it processed?
你的床是什么规格,什么尺寸?May I know the size of your bed?
床单是要这个花型么?Do you want this pattern for bedsheet?
床单 bedsheet
被套 Quilt cover
枕套 Pillowcase
请问需要加工么?Do you need to modify it?
你的床是什么规格,什么尺寸?what kind of bed is it? what is the size of it?
床单是要这个花型么?Do you want this kind of bed sheet/
床单sheet or bedclothes
被套bed sack
枕套pillowcase or pillowslip or tick
请问需要加工么?Will need to process it?
你的床是什么规格,什么尺寸?What is your bed specifications, what size?
床单是要这个花型么?Sheets is to spend it?
床单Bed sheets 被套Quilt cover 枕套Pillowcase