My heart is like a singing bird.(我的心像一只歌唱的小鸟。)
1.He is a pig.他简直是头猪。(比喻:他是一个象猪一般的人,指肮脏,贪吃的人。)
2.She is a woman with a stony heart.她是一个铁石心肠的女人。(比喻:这个女人冷酷无情。)
3.Mark Twain is a mirror of America.马克·吐温是美国的一面镜子。(用镜子比喻美国的现实,很贴切。)
In English (Chinese see the "metaphor"), metaphor (Metaphor) is different and similes, without like or as represented, but rather a comparison of such a hidden rhetorical means. Metaphor, also known as metaphor. Expressions: A is B. Metaphor is a metaphor with a metaphor of things another thing. Metaphor is implied in the class of things under Peter perception, experience, imagination, understanding, talking about such things, psychological behavior, language, behavior and cultural practices.
Simile (Simile), or the like is used as the words will have some common characteristics of two different things, a kind of rhetorical devices to connect.
直接翻译的 语法不太对
like; not unlike; it was a bit likel can be likened to ; as ; as if ; as though; as it were
as comparable to ; many be compared to ; similar to; akin to ; be analogous to ;
be someting of等。
例句:He is something of a political chamelion
隐喻(metaphor)中本体与喻体的关系,比在明喻中更为密切。明喻在形式上只是相类(as, like)的关系,隐喻在形式上却是相和(be)关系。可以分为认同结构和折射结构。
例句:The nation that sent more than 9 million people to college on the GI Bill is now pricing a college education out of reach of its young people. Instead, we have spawned an unskilled , poorly educated class that requires extensive social support and contributes little to the economy.