go out指的是 电,中断,停止,指一下子,突然停电了(动词+副词 ,重心在副词 ){区分go off一般指灯熄灭(可能是停电,也可能是灯坏了而引起的灯灭),有时也指火光熄灭,一定要注意go off强调“熄”(动词+介词 ,重心在动词)}
turn off(动词+介词 ,重心在动词)强调灯灭的方式是turn,而 go out强调灯灭了,
Or a tree branch takes down a power line, which overloads a transformer, which knocks out a substation, and within hours the lights go out in six states.(或者,有一节树枝拉断电力线,使得变压器超载而拖垮一个变电所,过不了几个钟头,六个州的灯光全都熄灭了。)
You can turn off the Bright light.(你可以关掉亮着的灯。)
Turn off the light when you cut out.(离开的时候请把灯关掉。)
go out的主语应该是灯,可以说灯灭了:the lamp went out. 而turn off的主语应该是人,是谁把灯弄灭了:I turned off the lamp.
The light went out (相当于不及物)
Turn off the light (相当于及物) The light was turned off
the light goes out.
turn off the light