In the" friends" in violation of the cooperative principle and implication for expression of the humorous effect is a common phenomenon. Secondly, in the four maxims of cooperative principle, violation of frequency from high to low is the maxim of quality, quantity relationship rules, norms and standards. Finally, on the violation of cooperative principle in various standards under the time codes," friends" in the humorous speech has the following three features: one is violates the maxim of quantity, much of the humor effect is due to provide redundant information and cause; two is in violation of the guidelines, the majority of cases of violation of its humor the first criterion, and the use of irony, metaphor, exaggeration, weak was contradictory rhetoric. Three is the" friends" in violation of rules of verbal humor way first "guidelines for avoiding redundant" the highest frequency, but" be orderly" this time criterion basically abided by.
From the perspective of cooperative principle, the speaker intends to violate the cooperative principle in the case of manufacturing, implication, and the hearer aware of the implication, to infer the humorous special conversational implicature. From the perspective of Relevance Theory in Express - reasoning, maximal relevance and optimal relevance in understanding verbal humor. We know from the comparison of Relevance Theory on humorous discourse interpretation of stronger, but we should not deny the cooperative principle to the humorous discourse interpretation.
As a loved by the audience of the sitcom," Friends" wonderful and not just from its original reproduction. Although the" Friends" from first to last strictly follows the American sitcom basic rules: each story lifted the climax will be in half an hour's time to settle. From the production point of view, we not only can not find any particular place, but it will be able to use, the lack of new ideas to describe it too observant of conventional standards. However," Friends" do not think like you very boring. Just watch an episode, no one can escape from indulge in the wildest fantasy story, climax after the story of every hue and the guest star of the" fatal attraction". Especially those of relaxed and humorous dialogues, contains a unique" American" humor, a be overwhelmed with admiration for.
" Friends" is popular, it is because it completely with the consumer good products quality, and more importantly, in the laughter, it allows us to see another and our ordinary life, the people of every hue, principle, interest, because of the emotional status of contradictions, a joke, at the same time, affection, friendship, love and here sublimation. " Friends" virtually becomes a mirror of our daily life, allows us to learn life, to enjoy the life of those truth goodness and beauty.
In the old friends to record "because of the violation of the cooperative standards and expression between the lines and produce humor is very common one kind of phenomenon. Secondly, in the cooperation principle 4 criterion, violations of frequency from high to low in turn is qualitative criterion, relationship standards, guidelines and standards of way. Finally, violation of the cooperative principle each rule times for standards, the friends to record "the humor show the following words three features: one is the amount of any rule speaking, most humorous effect is due to provide extra information and cause; 2 it is in violation of quality standards, most humor case against the its first standards, and using irony, metaphor, exaggeration, weak was said about the conflict between rhetoric. Three is the friends to record "in violation of rules of humorous speech way first standards" to avoid repeated bothersome "of the highest frequency, and" talk to be organized "this time standards are being observed basically.
From the view of the cooperative principle, talking to people in violation of the cooperative principle, make the implication, and obedient people realize these lines, deduce the special session humor meaning. From the perspective of relevance theory in watching people express-reasoning, maximum relevance and the optimal relevance in the contrast between the words to understand humor. From the comparison we learn that relevance theory to humor the explanatory speech more strong, but we should not completely negative cooperation to humor the explanatory principles of words.
As a favorite situation comedy by the audience, "Friends" is not only the wonderful derived from it to the life of representation of the original. Although the "Friends" strictly follow the United States from the situation comedy basic rules: each set the climax of the story would be in a half an hour in the limited time to relax. Look from production, we not only can't find any special place, and it can use the rules, the lack of new idea to describe it. But, "Friends" is not as dull as you think. Only a set are, no one can escape those from whimsical story, the story of an extraordinary climax and all the guest star "fatal attraction". Especially those who relaxed and humorous characters dialogue, contains a unique "American" humor, surprising.
"Friends" is popular, one is because it has the quality of the good parts consumption, but more important is, in constant laughter, it lets us see another and we as normal life. And all the people for emotional, principles, interests, status a contradiction, make a joke, and at the same time, love, friendship, love also here distillation. "Friends" as the People's Daily life a mirror, can let us study life, to appreciate the beauty in the life.
In the "Friends" and then because of violation of guidelines for cooperation between the lines generated to express the effect of humor is a very common phenomenon. Secondly, the principle of cooperation of the four criteria in descending order of frequency of violation is a qualitative criteria, norms, standards and guidelines on the modalities volume. Finally, a violation of the principles of cooperation in various sub-criteria under the guidelines, the "Friends" in the words of humor presents the following three characteristics: First, the criteria for breach of terms of volume, most of the humorous effect is due to the extra information provided cause; Second, in violation of qualitative criteria, the majority of cases of violation of humor, its first guidelines, and use of irony, metaphor, hyperbole, rhetorical devices such as weak Speaking of contradictions. The third is "Friends" in violation of guidelines on the modalities of verbal humor the first time guidelines "to avoid duplication wordy" the highest frequency, and "talk should be structured," this time largely to comply with guidelines.
From the perspective of the principle of cooperation, the speaker intends to violate the principles of cooperation in the case, making meaning, and the listener aware of these overtones, the special session to infer the meaning of humor. From the perspective of relevance theory --- people express reasoning, the largest association associated with the best contrast in speech understanding humor. We learned from the comparison theory associated with the explanatory power of the more humorous discourse, but we should not completely deny the principle of cooperation explanatory power of humorous discourse.
Loved by the audience as a sitcom, "Friends" wonderful life, not only from its original ecology of reproduction. Although the "Friends" from beginning to end strictly follow the basic rules of the U.S. sitcom: Each episode will be the climax of the story set off a half hour in a limited time quiet. From the production point of view, we not only can not find any particular place, and can be used simply to behave, the lack of new ideas to describe it. However, "Friends" is not boring mediocrity as you might think. Just fancy a set, no one can escape those from the whimsical story, the climax of the story and all kinds of guest stars "Fatal Attraction." Especially those relaxed and humorous character dialogue, contains a unique "American" sense of humor, is lovely.
"Friends" The reason why popular, because it is fully equipped with one consumer good product quality and, more importantly, in the constant laughter, it allows us to see another like us ordinary life, all kinds people because of feelings, principles, interests, status and other issues conflict, funny at the same time, family, friendship, love is here sublimated. "Friends" has virtually become a mirror of everyday life, allows us to study life, to enjoy life in those Sound of Music.