1、for year of the dragon that is worth remembering in the past year life is better and better(这句话不知所云),whether it is love or learning,I will be very hard (to)make it better
2、Often think i and my goal is still far away,这句话语法很有问题,单单从句子上分析的话,i and my goal 是复数,动词肯定是are 而不是is,但即使这么改,也依然是错误句子,我估计你要表达的是,我目前所想的和我的目标还差的很远。
3、When you’re driving in a car(一般不用太强调在车里,说When you’re driving就足够了), it can be hard to see where you are and where(改为which place) you`re heading to
where 是副词哪里,head to 后面需要跟名词地点。
4、Where do you want to go to?这句话中要去掉最后那个to,Where是副词,哪里的意思
5、My friends are my biggest accomplishments this year.要在this year前面加in,this year是名词短语,in this year才能做时间状语。
6、Love is my greatest happiness this year.一样在this year 前面加in,道理同5
7、The new year I will be very hard make it better.在make前面加to ,一个单句中不能出现两个动词,后面的动词用to +V的形式即动词不定式或者v+ing 的现在分词形式。