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2025-03-06 17:52:16

The water content of core in mid of soil body exceeding liquid limit is classified as supersaturated frozen soil.
Though the supersaturated frozen soil could be obtained from the ice rubble and the mixture of water, the sample strucuture differs from the field delamibnated ice.
The supersaturated frozen soil is constructed with saturated soil and sheer ice.
The test clay and mid core by Tan Yinghong and Qu Guangzhou (2008) are close [21][23].
The 40% water content is close to its liquid limit (36.5%), and its regression formula of temperature-unfrozen water content is as follow:
The information of the unfrozen water content of sheer ice is not available and the unfrozen water content in running water and negtive temperature relation curve [24] were value selected and data regressed, thus the formula of sheer ive temperature-unfrozen water content is as follow:
'a' is the ratio of unfrozen water to total mass of ice water mixture.