
2024-11-14 21:49:12

一些课程的名字 Some curricula names
复变函数Complex variable function
模电mold electricity
数电number electricity
电磁场理论theory of electromagnetic field
信号与系统signal and system
概率论theory of probability
微波技术基础microwave technology base
高频high frequency
天线原理antenna principle
微波网络microwave network
微波电子线路microwave electronic circuit
微波测量microwave measurement
天线测量antenna survey
科技英语technical English
工程制图project charting


The complex variable function——
the mold electricity——
counts the electricity——
the theory of electromagnetic field——
the signal and the system——
the theory of probability——
the microwave technology base——
high frequency——
antenna principle——
microwave network——
microwave electronic circuit——
microwave measurement——
antenna survey——
technical English——
project charting——


Complex variable function, mold electricity, number electricity, theory of electromagnetic field, signal and system, theory of probability, microwave technology base, high frequency, antenna principle, microwave network, microwave electronic circuit, microwave measurement, antenna survey, technical English, project charting


Reply to change the function, the mold electricity, few electricity, a theories of electromagnetism, signal and system, all the rate theory, the microwave technique foundation, high 频 , the antenna principle, the microwave network, the microwave electronics circuit, the microwave measure, the antenna measure, science and technology English, engineering graphics


Changes the duplicate function,
the mold electricity,
counts the electricity,
the electromagnetic field theory,
the signal and the system,
the theory of probability,
the microwave technology foundation,
high frequency,
antenna principle,
microwave network,
microwave electronic circuit,
microwave survey,
antenna survey,
technical English,
project charting