
2025-02-23 01:37:33

于2009年6月26日5:26分离家。 He has left home in Jun. 25th 2009 at 5:26am 离家时身着白色衬衣,黑色闪光短夹克。 He has left home with white shirt,black shining short jacket 下身穿九分裤,白袜子,黑皮鞋。 and wore crop jeans,white socks and black shoes underneath 单手带白手套,头戴黑色礼帽。 He wore a glove on his right hand ,a black hat on his head 据说是被上帝请去天堂表演,但至今未归,数亿的家人无比想念,翘首企盼天使归家。 It is said that his was invited by the godto perform in the heaven,but he didn't come back till today,billions of families are wishing the angel come back home on the tip of expectation. 若你见到他,请告诉他,我们都在等他。 If you meet him,please tell him,we are all waiting for him 若他归家,不会再有诋毁,不会再有流言,我们永远在Neverland里 If he come back home,there won't be defamation or gossip any longer, and we will wait for him forever in the Neverland 小飞侠雕像下等着他 … under the statue of Peter Pan