
2024-08-04 09:27:20

Inventory is the enterprise current assets is an important project, generally accounts for40% of the total assets of60% - flow. Currently there are many enterprises, the lack of awareness of the importance of inventory management, management extensive, confined to the daily management, inventory management and ignore the quota quantity management. Inventory as a large proportion of the assets, directly relate the enterprise the fund to take the level as well as the assets operation efficiency. Inventory management is also closely related to the entire firm and the interests of the company related, therefore, must attach importance to the management of inventory. This paper from the enterprise financial management inventory management aspects of inventory management in the enterprise management in the important position and inventory management in the problem of existence, elaborated how to strengthen strengthen inventory management, in order to increase the profit of the enterprises.

Business retention inventory because on the one hand in order to ensure the production or sale of the business needs, on the other hand is from price considerations, purchase materials prices tend to be higher, and the entire batch of purchase price concessions. However, too much inventory to take up more funds, and increases the storage charges, insurance premium, including maintenance, management personnel salary, expenses, therefore, inventory management goal is to in various trade-offs between costs and inventory benefits, achieve the best combination of both, this is the inventory management goal.

With the perfection of market economy, the survival and development of enterprises increasingly high demand. To ensure smooth production premise condition is to ensure that enterprises for production of raw and fuel, adequate, timely supply, that is to say the stock of enterprise resources can not be deficient, but the enterprise is not large hoard goods, ensure smooth production and inventory management for the enterprise to occupy much of the outstanding contradictions, and resolve this one contradiction the key is to solve good business, logistics management in the management of inventory, inventory management, production and operation of enterprises and sustainable development is particularly important.

